Monthly Archives: October 2018

The Limits of Retrieval Practice: A Helpful Case Study

Here on the blog, I write A LOT about the benefits of “retrieval practice.” (For…

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The Perpetual Now

Life Without Memory: Your Hippocampus and You

Who are you without your memory? In neurobiological lingo: who are you without your hippocampus?…

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Environmental Consequences of Ed Tech

Neil Selwin argues, dramatically, that “EdTech is Killing Us All.” His point is not that…

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cognitive breaks

Can Quiet Cognitive Breaks Help You Learn?

A 10-minute cognitive break improves our memory for story details. If this research pans out, it might be immensely helpful in the classroom. Watch this space… Continue reading

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T/F: Timed Tests Cause Math Anxiety?

Questions about math and anxiety have been on the uptick recently. Over at Filling the…

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prevent cheating

How to Stop Cheating: An Awkward Debate

Despite promising early research, current findings suggest that “moral reminders” don’t prevent cheating. Alas: the “replication crisis” continues… Continue reading

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The Fear Factor: How One Emotion Connects Altruists, Psychopaths, and...

Abigail Marsh’s 2017 book , reviews research by her and others showing that extraordinary altruists…

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Using and Misusing Averages: The Benefits of Music?

The “10 Minute Rule” tells us that people can’t pay attention to something for longer…

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live theater

Live Theater Boosts Student Knowledge and Tolerance

Question: What’s the most potentially misleading kind of research? Answer: Research that supports a position…

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teenage hormones

Teenagers, Hormones, and Other Stubborn Myths

There’s a short video about adolescence making the rounds on social media. The video offers…

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