ADHD adolescence attention autism book review boundary conditions classroom advice conference speakers constructivism/direct instruction creativity desirable difficulty development dual coding elementary school embodied cognition emotion evolution exercise experts and novices gender high school homework intelligence long-term memory math methodology middle school mind-wandering mindfulness Mindset motivation neuromyths neuroscience online learning parents psychology reading retrieval practice self-control skepticism sleep STEM stress technology working memoryRecent Comments
- "All People Learn the Same Way": Exploring a Debate |Education & Teacher Conferences on The Goldilocks Map by Andrew Watson
- URL on Difference Maker: Enacting Systems Theory in Biology Teaching, by Christian...
- URL on The Distracted Mind: Ancient Brains in a High-Tech World by...
- Celular na Escola: novas regras transformam o ambiente de ensino - O Mundo no Seu Bolso on Cell Phones in the Classroom: Expected (and Unexpected) Effects
- Is "Cell Phone Addiction" Really a Thing? |Education & Teacher Conferences on Laptop Notes or Handwritten Notes? Even the New York Times...

To Grade or Not to Grade: Should Retrieval Practice Quizzes...
We’ve seen enough research on retrieval practice to know: it rocks. When students simply review…

What (and Why) Should Students Memorize? Confidence and Fluency for...
In our profession, memorization has gotten a bad name. The word conjures up alarming images: Dickensian…

Prior Knowledge: Building the Right Floor [Updated]
Researchers can demonstrate that some core knowledge is essential for students to start learning about a topic. Teachers can use that guidance to improve learning for all students. Continue reading

Game on? Brain On!: The Surprising Relationship between Play and...
Game on? Brain On!: The Surprising Relationship between Play and Gray (Matter) is an affectionate,…

Assembling the Big Classroom Picture
The last 20 years have brought about powerful new ways to think about teaching and…
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“Kids These Days!”: A (Partial) Defense of Ignorance and Distractibility
You’ve seen the videos. An earnest reporter wielding a microphone accosts a college student and…