Tag Archives: Mindset

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Get It Done by Ayelet Fishbach

Over the last few months, I have been working with a student who is retaking…

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Cake Temptation

Too Good to be True: When Research and Values Collide

Let’s start with some quick opinions: Flipped classrooms… … can transform education and foster students’…

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Let’s Get Practical: Signaling a Growth Mindset

Most teachers know about Mindset Theory: the idea that students’ beliefs about intelligence shape their success…

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A Beacon in the Mindset Wilderness

For a few years now, I’ve been in the Mindset wilderness. Three years ago, I…

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The Rise and Fall and Rise of Growth Mindset

Few theories in education have had a more dramatic story arc than Carol Dweck’s “Mindset.”…

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Growing Mindsets in Argentina? [Repost]

A study with 12th graders in Argentina highlights an important message about Growth Mindset: doing one thing once is unlikely to have much of an effect. Continue reading

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“Doing Science” or “Being a Scientist”: What Words Motivate Students?

If teachers could boost students’ motivation — even slightly — by changing our language, would that effort be worth the time? Continue reading

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The Mindset Controversy: Carol Dweck Speaks…

Carol Dweck has responded to recent concerns about her Mindset theory. Her answers offer helpful guidance to classroom teachers. Continue reading

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Growing Mindsets in Argentina?

A study with 12th graders in Argentina highlights an important message about Growth Mindset: doing one thing once is unlikely to have much of an effect. Continue reading

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A Rose by Any Other Name Would Smell as Confusing

All too often, psychology discussions use confusing — or worse, deliberately cheerful — terminology. Teachers should seek out direct and neutral terms to simplify and clarify our discussions. Continue reading

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