Tag Archives: technology


Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt

From the author of The Coddling of the American Mind, The Righteous Mind, and The…

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A serious-looking college student examining her phone

To Insta or Not to Insta: That Is the Memory...

Here in the US, we’re having something of a national debate about the benefits/harms of…

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Evolutionary Intelligence by Russell Neuman

I have recently been reviewing human-technology interactions with a team at Brookings, and it is…

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Man wearing Virtual Reality goggles, making gestures in the air

My Detective Adventure: “VR Will Transform Education” [Reposted]

Our blogger is off this week. He asked us to repost this piece, because he’ll…

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Man wearing Virtual Reality goggles, making gestures in the air

My Detective Adventure: “VR Will Transform Education”

A friend recently sent me a link to an article with a click-baity headline: something…

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Remembering and Forgetting in the Age of Technology by Michelle...

The cognition of remembering and forgetting is central to our lives and our intellectual valuation…

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Black College Student Holding Phone

Is “Cell Phone Addiction” Really a Thing? [Reposted]

A well-known Education Twitter personality claimed that “cell phones are as addictive as drugs.” Are…

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Failure to Disrupt by Justin Reich

Failure to Disrupt: Why Technology Alone Can’t Transform Education is a well-written critical synthesis of…

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Best Video Speed

Let’s Get Practical: How Fast Should Videos Be?

Research often operates at a highly abstract level. Psychologists and neuroscientists study cognitive “tasks” that…

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College Students Texting

When Does Technology Distract Students? The Benefits of Research that...

I spoke with several hundred students last week about research-based study strategies. As always, students…

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