Tag Archives: neuroscience


The Neuroscience of Retrieval Practice

We know THAT retrieval practice helps students learn. It would be really cool to know what difference it makes in the brain. Well, we’re starting to learn… Continue reading

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Good Morning, I love You: Mindfulness and Self-Compassion Practice to...

Shauna Shapiro, expert in mindfulness and compassion, recently authored Good Morning, I love You: Mindfulness…

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How We Learn cover

“How We Learn”: Wise Teaching Guidance from a Really Brainy...

How We Learn, by Stanislas Dehaene, offers a rich and fascinating look at human brains, their ways of learning, and the best ways to teach them. Continue reading

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What Students Want to Know about Brains and Learning, Part...

High school students have questions. We have (some) answers. Continue reading

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“How You Got to Be So Smart”: The Evolution of...

Evolution of the Learning Brain: or How You Got to Be So Smart, by Paul Howard-Jones, offers an evolutionary history of learning itself. Both richly scientific and fun to read, it gives teachers a helpful, fresh perspective on our work in classrooms and schools. Continue reading

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Constructivism: In The Brain, In The Classroom

Is constructivism a theory of learning, or a theory of teaching? Mike Hobbiss offers a provocative answer. Continue reading

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Right Brained Language Learning (And Other Reasons to Ignore Brain...

Recent research shows that right-hemisphere brain activity predicts successful language learning. For that reason (and many others), we shouldn’t think about “right-brain” or “left-brain” mental functions. Continue reading

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No, Brain Scans Can’t See You Think

https://npjscilearncommunity.nature.com/users/19663-tracey-tokuhama-espinosa/posts/42620-deciphering-fact-from-fiction-about-the-brain Continue reading

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The Best-Known Neural Model of Learning Might be Substantially Wrong

A new neural model of long-term memory formation might change our understanding of learning. It should not, however, change our approaches to teaching. Continue reading

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STOP THE PRESSES (And Yet, Remain Calm)

In the world of science, if you see the right kind of evidence, you have…

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