

Children and adolescents continue to struggle with stress, explosive emotions, bullying, emotional regulation, trauma, and mental health. A 2023 ReThinkFirst “Mental Health in the Classroom” Survey found that 43% of parents said their children are highly or extremely stressed, 36% of parents are worried about bullying, 75% of parents observed one or more symptoms of poor mental health in their child, and 61% say their kids need skills that will teach them how to recognize and understand their emotions. A 2024 Pew Research Center Survey found 49% of teachers say behavior for most students is just fair or poor; 68% say they’ve experienced verbal abuse by students, and 40% say students have been violent towards them.

The “Teaching Emotional Brains” conference will bring the nation’s leading neuroscientists, psychologists, researchers, and education leaders to explore “The Science of Emotions” and their profound impacts on behavior, learning, resilience, regulation, and mental health. This conference will provide evidence-based strategies to calm challenging student behaviors; raise emotional intelligence and resilience, engage emotional regulation; create trauma-informed schools, encourage empathy and respect, reduce stress, conflict, and bullying, provide AI tools for emotional health, and create resilient, emotionally safe schools in these challenging times.

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter (@learningandtheb / #LatB69) for conference updates and news.

This conference will be presented as a hybrid conference. You can either attend in person or participate virtually.

Featured Speakers

Changeable: The Science Behind Challenging Emotions and Behaviors and How to Help

J. Stuart Ablon, PhD

Award Winning Psychologist; Associate Professor; Thomas G. Stemberg Endowed Chair in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School; Founder and Director, Think:Kids Program in the Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital; Author, Changeable: How Collaborative Problem Solving Changes Lives at Home, at School, and at Work (2018); Co-Author, The School Discipline Fix: Changing Behavior Using the Collaborative Problem Solving Approach (2018) and Treating Explosive Kids: The Collaborative Problem Solving Approach (2005)

The Science of Emotions

Lisa Feldman Barrett, PhD

University Distinguished Professor of Psychology; Director of the Interdisciplinary Affective Science Laboratory, Northeastern University, with Appointments at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School; Rates among the top 1% most cited scientists in the world for her revolutionary research in psychology and neuroscience; Co-Author of two best-sellers for the public, Seven and a Half Lessons About the Brain (2020) and How Emotions Are Make: The Secret Life of the Brain (2018); Co-Editor, The Handbook of Emotions (2016, 4th edition)

The Science of Emotional Resilience, Stress, and Trauma

George A. Bonanno, PhD

Professor of Clinical Psychology, Department of Counseling and Clinical Psychology; Director, Loss, Trauma, and Emotion Lab, Teachers College, Columbia University; Author, The End of Trauma (2021) and The Other Side of Sadness (2019, 2nd Edition); Co-Author, “Resilience to Trauma and Adversity Through Regulatory Flexibility” (2024, Nature Reviews Psychology) and “The Lasting Effects of Early Adversity and Updating Ability on the Tendency to Develop PTSD Symptoms Following Exposure to Trauma in Adulthood” (2023, Cognitive Therapy and Research)

Building Resilience in Schools During Challenging Times

Rachel Edoho-Eket, EdD

Principal, Waverly Elementary School, the top ranked school on Maryland; Formerly served as Elementary School Teacher, Instructional Team Leader, and Assistant Principal, who became principal in the onset of COVID and who shares lessons learned from those challenging times; 2024 President-Elect, The Maryland Association of Elementary School Principals; ASCD Faculty Member; Author, The Principal’s Journey: Navigating the Path to School Leadership (2023), and the children’s book, The Principal Pals: Bright Minds, Big Dreams (2023)

Promoting Emotional Intelligence in Students and School Leaders

Marc A. Brackett, PhD

Founding Director, Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence; Professor, Child Study Center, Yale University; Co-Creator, The RULER Approach to Social and Emotional Learning, Host, “Dealing With Feelings” Podcast; Developer, How We Feel App; Author, Permission to Feel: Unlocking the Power of Emotions to Help Our Kids, Ourselves, and Our Society Thrive (2019); Co-Author, “Emotionally Intelligent School Leadership Predicts Educator Well-Being Before and During a Crisis” (2024, Frontiers in Psychology), “Preventative Initiatives to Promote Psychological Adjustment Among Primary Students (2023, International Journal of Educational Psychology)