
At the Sheraton New York Times Square Hotel
New York, NY

Students must now compete in a rapidly changing, globalized world, where global-cultural competence, thinking and collaboration are required for career success. Yet, a 2013 Gallup poll found that most U.S. young adults did not learn in school the real-world thinking or collaboration skills they need to compete. Learning sciences (including cognitive, social and cultural neuroscience), along with new global school models, are providing insights into ways to promote “world-class” skills and schools. Discover ways to use the learning sciences and successful international school models to develop thinking, global-cultural competence and collaboration skills so your students are better prepared for a competitive, changing, globalized world. 

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Learning Objectives:

  • Creating “world-class” teachers, students and schools
  • Developing global competence inside and outside the classroom
  • Strategies to improve thinking, learning and STEM education
  • Ways to promote worldwide digital and collaborative projects
  • Using learning sciences to prepare students for college and careers
  • International “world-class” models and comparisons to other schools
  • Teaching reading, writing and language learning for the 21st Century
  • How to teach students for a complex, changing, globalized world
  • The importance of global, international and bilingual education
  • Measuring, assessing and testing 21st Century competencies
  • Cognitive science, culture and problem solving skills 


Who Should Attend:

  • Educators, Parents
  • Curriculum, Staff Developers
  • Speech-Language Pathologists
  • School Psychologists, Counselors
  • PreK-12 Teachers and Administrators
  • Learning Specialists, Special Educators
  • Reading, Writing, STEM, Social Studies Teachers
  • Superintendents, Principals, School Heads
  • College and Career Readiness Professionals
  • Testing, Assessment, CCSS Coordinators
  • Bilingual, International, Intercultural Educators
  • Technology and University Professors
  • Global Researchers, Policy Makers 


  • Neuroscience and Education Program,Teachers College, Columbia University
  • Mind, Brain & Education Program, Harvard Graduate School of Education
  • Comer School Development Program, Yale University School of Medicine
  • The Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives, The Dana Foundation
  • School of Education, Johns Hopkins University
  • The Neuroscience Research Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara
  • National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP)
  • National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP)
  • The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
  • LEARNING& the BRAIN® Foundation


Day One: Teaching Global Minds for a Global World


perkins David N. Perkins, PhD, Principal Investigator, Founding Member, Harvard Project Zero; Carl H. Pforzheimer, Jr., Research Professor of Teaching and Learning, Harvard Graduate School of Education; Author, Future Wise: Educating Our Children for a Changing World (2014) and Making Learning Whole: How Seven Principles of Teaching Can Transform Education (2009)
jacobs Heidi Hayes Jacobs, EdD, Creator, Curriculum21; Founder and President, Curriculum Designers, Inc.; Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Curriculum and Teaching, Teachers College, Columbia University; Author, Curriculum 21: Essential Education for a Changing World (updated 2014), Mastering Digital Literacy (2014), Mastering Global Literacy (2013) and Leading the New Literacies (2013)
sabet.tavangar. Homa Sabet Tavangar, MPA, Education Advisor, Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting; Former Visiting Scholar, University of Pennsylvania; Writer and Blogger, Edutopia; Author, Growing Up Global: Raising Children to Be at Home in the World (2009)
boix mansilla

Veronica Boix Mansilla, PhD, Cognitive Researcher; Senior Research Associate and Principal Investigator, Project Zero; Chair, Future of Learning Institute, Harvard Graduate School of Education; Advisor for the International Baccalaureate, Asia Society, Association of American Colleges and Universities and the Council of Chief State School Officers; Co-Author, Educating for Global Competence (2011)

Day Two: Creating a World-Class Education

zhao.jpg Yong Zhao, PhD, Presidential Chair; Associate Dean for Global Education; Director, Center for Advanced Technology in Education, College of Education, University of Oregon; Author, Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Dragon?: Why China Has the Best (and Worst) Education System in the World (2014), World-Class Learners (2012) and Catching Up or Leading the Way (2009).
sahlberg Pasi Sahlberg, PhD, Visiting Professor, Harvard Graduate School of Education; Adjunct Faculty of Behavioral Science, University of Helsinki; Former Director General, Ministry of Education and Culture in Helsinki, Finland; Former Senior Education Specialist, World Bank; Author, “Global Educational Reform Movement and its Impact on Schooling” (2014, The Handbook of Global Policy-making in Education) and Finnish Lessons: What Can the World Learn from Educational Change in Finland? (2011).
stewart Vivien Stewart, MPhil, Senior Advisor for Education and Former Vice President, Asia Society; Former Visiting Scholar, Teachers College, Columbia University; Board Member, National Center on Education and the Economy and the Longview Foundation for Education in International Understanding and World Affairs; Author, A World-Class Education: Learning from International Models of Excellence and Innovation (2012) and “Becoming Citizens of the World” (2007, Educational Leadership)
immordino yang Mary Helen Immordino-Yang, EdD, Associate Professor of Education, Rossier School of Education; Associate Professor of Psychology, Brain and Creativity Institute, University of Southern California; Co-Author, “Modularity and the Cultural Mind: Contributions of Cultural Neuroscience to Cognitive Theory” (2013, Perspectives on Psychological Science)

Day Three: Teaching Language, Cognition and Skills for the 21st Century

pinker Steven Pinker, PhD, Harvard College Professor and Johnstone Family Professor, Department of Psychology, Harvard University; Author, The Sense of Style: The Thinking Person’s Guide to Writing in the 21st Century (2014) and The Stuff of Thought: Language as a Window into Human Nature (2007).
mackey Alison J. Mackey, PhD, Applied Linguist; Professor and Vice Chair, Department of Linguistics; Georgetown University; Author, Input, Interaction, and Corrective Feedback in L2 Learning (2012); Co-Author,The Bilingual Edge: Why, When, and How to Teach Your Child a Second Language (2007) and "Older Learners in SLA Research: A First Look at Working Memory, Feedback and L2 Development" (2012, Language Learning); Co-Editor, Second Language Acquisition and the Younger Learner (2008)
pellegrino James W. Pellegrino, PhD, Cognitive Scientist; Co-Director, Interdisciplinary Learning Sciences Research Institute; Liberal Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor and Distinguished Professor of Education; University of Illinois at Chicago; Board of Directors, Biological Science Education Curriculum Study; Former Co-Chair of the Committee on Learning Research and Educational Practice and Committee on the Foundations of Assessment; Member, Committee on Science Learning: Games, Simulations and Education; Co-Author of the reports, "Developing Assessments for the Next Generation Science Standards" (2014), "Education for Life and Work: Developing Transferable Knowledge and Skills in the 21st Century" (2013) and "How People Learn" (2000)
ansari Daniel Ansari, MSc, PhD, Cognitive Scientist; Professor, Department of Psychology & The Brain and Mind Institute; Principal Investigator, Numerical Cognition Laboratory, The University of Western Ontario; Co-Author, “Neuroeducation – A Critical Overview of an Emerging Field” (2012, Neuroethics) and “Culture and Education: New Frontiers in Brain Plasticity” (2012, Trends in Cognitive Sciences)






gaudelli World-Class Teaching and Learning for a Global Time

William Gaudelli, EdD, Associate Professor and Program Coordinator of Social Studies and Education, Teachers College, Columbia University; Faculty and Leader of Columbia’s first of its kind new graduate level Global Competence Certificate Program; Author, World-Class: Teaching and Learning in Global Times (2012); Co-Author, Education and Social Inequality in the Global Culture (2008)
perkins Educating Our Children for a Changing Global World

David N. Perkins, PhD, Principal Investigator, Founding Member, Harvard Project Zero; Carl H. Pforzheimer, Jr., Research Professor of Teaching and Learning, Harvard Graduate School of Education; Author, Future Wise: Educating Our Children for a Changing World (2014) and Making Learning Whole: How Seven Principles of Teaching Can Transform Education (2009)
stewart Creating World-Class Teachers and Schools

Vivien Stewart, MPhil, Senior Adviser for Education and Former Vice President, Asia Society; Former Visiting Scholar, Teachers College, Columbia University; Board Member, National Center on Education and the Economy and the Longview Foundation for Education in International Understanding and World Affairs; Author, A World-Class Education: Learning from International Models of Excellence and Innovation (2012) and “Becoming Citizens of the World” (2007, Educational Leadership)
zhao.jpg World-Class Minds vs. Authoritarian Education: The Suicidal Quest for Educational Excellence

Yong Zhao, PhD, Presidential Chair; Associate Dean for Global Education; Director, Center for Advanced Technology in Education, College of Education, University of Oregon; Author, Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Dragon?: Why China Has the Best (and Worst) Education System in the World (2014), World-Class Learners (2012) and Catching Up or Leading the Way (2009)
sahlberg Finnish Lessons 2.0: What Can the United States Learn from Educational Change in Finland?

Pasi Sahlberg, PhD, Visiting Professor, Harvard Graduate School of Education; Adjunct Faculty of Behavioral Science, University of Helsinki; Former Director General, Ministry of Education and Culture in Helsinki, Finland; Author, “Global Educational Reform Movement and Its Impact on Schooling” (2014, The Handbook of Global Policy-making in Education) and Finnish Lessons: What Can the World Learn from Educational Change in Finland? (2011)
immordino yang The Cultural, Emotional Mind: Neurological Perspectives on Meaningful Learning in a Global Age

Mary Helen Immordino-Yang, EdD, Associate Professor of Education, Rossier School of Education; Associate Professor of Psychology, Brain and Creativity Institute, University of Southern California; Co-Author, “Modularity and the Cultural Mind: Contributions of Cultural Neuroscience to Cognitive Theory” (2013, Perspectives on Psychological Science)
oneal Vivid Solutions: Using the Arts to Increase Problem Finding and Problem Solving Skills to Promote Critical Thinking

Ivonne Chand O’Neal, PhD, Director of Evaluation, The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts; Author, "An Impact Evaluation of Arts-Integration Through the Changing Education Through the Arts (CETA) Program" (2014, JFK Center’s Research Study)
rodriguez World-Class Teacher Development: The Teaching Brain and School Reform

Vanessa Rodriguez, EdD Candidate, Doctoral Student, Mind, Brain and Education Program, Harvard Graduate School of Education; Program Officer, International Teaching Brain Consortium and the International Mind Brain and Education Society; Author, The Teaching Brain: The Evolutionary Trait at the Heart of Education (2014); Co-Author, “Teachers’ Awareness of the Learner-Teacher Interaction: Preliminary Communication of a Study Investigating The Teaching Brain” (2013, Mind, Brain and Education Journal)


jacobs Cultivating Globally Connected, Digitally Literate and Media-Savvy Learners

Heidi Hayes Jacobs, EdD, Creator, Curriculum21; Founder and President, Curriculum Designers, Inc.; Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Curriculum and Teaching, Teachers College, Columbia University; Author, Curriculum 21: Essential Education for a Changing World (updated 2014), Mastering Digital Literacy (2014), Mastering Global Literacy (2013) and Leading the New Literacies (2013)
sabet.tavangar. Growing Up Global: Learning That’s at Home in the World – for Everyone

Homa Sabet Tavangar, MPA, Education Advisor, Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting; Former Visiting Scholar, University of Pennsylvania; Writer and Blogger, Edutopia; Author, Growing Up Global: Raising Children to Be at Home in the World (2009)
boix mansilla Educating for Global Competence: Preparing Our Youth for Today’s World

Veronica Boix Mansilla, PhD, Cognitive Researcher; Senior Research Associate and Principal Investigator, Project Zero; Chair, Future of Learning Institute, Harvard Graduate School of Education; Advisor for the International Baccalaureate, Asia Society, Association of American Colleges and Universities and the Council of Chief State School Officers; Co-Author, Educating for Global Competence (2011)

Going Global: Benefits of Studying Abroad

Stacie Nevadomski Berdan, BA, Global Consultant; Co-Author, Raising Global Children (2013), A Student Guide to Study Abroad (2013) and Go Global! Launching an International Career Here or Abroad (2011)


adams roman A Lesson For All: K-12 Units Focused on the Right to Education and Worldwide Barriers

Donna Adams Román, MA, Educational Technology Instructional Specialist, Chicago Public Schools; Lead Teacher, Global Classroom Project; Developer of the “Lessons for All: Enhancing Global Competence” Curriculum, the Global Campaign for Education; Microsoft Innovative Expert Educator; Master Teacher and Trainer, International Education and Resources Network (iEarn)
sabet tavenger Global Education Tools for Elementary Learners

Homa Sabet Tavangar, MPA, Education Advisor, Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting; Former Visiting Scholar, University of Pennsylvania; Writer and Blogger, Edutopia; Co-Author, The Global Education Toolkit for Elementary Learners (2014)
scott brown Preparing Students for the 21st Century: The GlobalEd 2 Project

Scott W. Brown, PhD, Distinguished Professor of Educational Psychology, Neag School of Education, University of Connecticut; Co-Director, The GlobalEd 2 Project; Graduate Program Coordinator, Cognition, Instruction and Learning Technology; Co-Author, “The GlobalEd 2 Game: Developing Scientific Literacy Skills Through Interdisciplinary, Technology-based Global Simulations” (2014, Psychology of Gaming)
wiley School-wide Approaches to Promote Global Competence

Brandon Wiley, EdD, Senior Director of School Development, Springpoint; Former Director of Asia Society's International Studies Schools Network for global competence; Former Instructor, Teaching Program, State University of New York College (CUNY) at Fredonia; Blogger, Edutopia; Member of a 2012 PennGSE team to Helsinki Finland to study Finland’s primary and secondary educational system; Contributing Author, Leading the New Literacies (2013)
chowdhary Global Education: Best Practices

Neelam Chowdhary, EdD, Director, Global Learning Programs, Asia Society; Former Vice President of Programs, National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE); Instructor, Global Competence Certificate, Teachers College, Columbia University; Co-Author, Exploring Careers for the 21st Century (2011)


pinker Sense of Style: A Thinking Person’s Guide to Writing in the 21st Century

Steven A. Pinker, PhD, Cognitive Scientist; Harvard College Professor and Johnstone Family Professor, Department of Psychology, Harvard University; Author, The Sense of Style: The Thinking Person’s Guide to Writing in the 21st Century (2014), Language, Cognition and Human Nature (2013), The Stuff of Thought: Language as a Window into Human Nature (2007) and How the Mind Works (1997)
willingham Critical Reading as a 21st Century Skill

Daniel T. Willingham, PhD, Cognitive Scientist; Professor of Psychology, University of Virginia; Blogger, Science and Education Blog; Writer, “Ask the Cognitive Scientist” column for American Educator; Associate Editor, Mind, Brain and Education Journal; Author, Raising Kids Who Read: What Parents and Teachers Can Do (2015), When Can You Trust the Experts? (2012) and Why Don’t Students Like School? (2010)
fisher Reading and Writing in the 21st Century

Douglas B. Fisher, PhD, Professor, Language and Literacy Education, Department of Teacher Education, San Diego State University; Classroom Teacher, Health Sciences High and Middle College; Co-Author, Literacy 2.0: Reading and Writing in the 21st Century (2010), Text- Dependent Questions, Grades K-5: Pathways to Close and Critical Reading (2014), In a Reading State of Mind: Brain Research, Teacher Modeling and Comprehension Instruction (2008) and Common Core English Language Arts in a PLC at Work (2012)
mcknight Engaging All Learners in Reading and Writing for Common Core Standards and 21st Century Skills

Katherine McKnight, PhD, MEd, Educator and Consultant; Recipient of the 2013 Teachers’ Choice Award for “The Teacher’s Big Book of Graphic Organizers, Grades 5-12”; Author, The Common Sense Guide to the Common Core: Teacher-Tested Tools for Implementation (2014) and Common Core Literacy for ELA, History/Social Studies and the Humanities (2014)
kryza and stephens Practical Strategies for Inviting Wonder: Using Multi-Literacies in Culturally Relevant Close Reading Lessons

Kathleen M. Kryza, MA, CEO, Infinite Horizons; Co-Author, Developing Growth Mindsets in the Inspiring Classroom (2011) and Winning Strategies for Test Taking – Grades 3-8 (2009): Co-Editor, Differentiation for Real Classrooms: Making it Simple, Making it Work (2009)

S. Joy Stephens, MS (in Biology), Education Consultant; Former Middle and High School Teacher in differentiated science, math and foreign; Co-Author, Differentiation for Real Classrooms: Making It Simple, Making It Work (2009); Inspiring Elementary Learners (2008) and Inspiring Middle and Secondary Learners (2007)


ginsburg Understanding Children’s Mathematical Minds: A Necessity and Opportunity for STEM

Herbert P. Ginsburg, PhD, Cognitive Researcher; Jacob H. Schiff Foundations Professor, Psychology & Education, Teachers College, Columbia University; Co-Author, Mathematics: The Path to Math Success (2001); Contributing Author, Cultivating Curious and Creative Minds (2010); Co-Editor, Preparing Early Childhood Educators to Teach Math (2014)
ansari Early Assessment and Prediction of Arithmetic Competencies and Achievement in Children

Daniel Ansari, MSc, PhD, Cognitive Scientist; Professor, Department of Psychology & The Brain and Mind Institute; Principal Investigator, Numerical Cognition Laboratory, The University of Western Ontario; Recipient of the “2012 Transforming Education Through Neuroscience Award”; Co-Author, “Numerical Predictors of Arithmetic Success in Grades 1-6” (2014, Developmental Science) and “Why Mental Arithmetic Counts: Brain Activation During Single Digit Arithmetic Predicts High School Math Scores” (2013, Journal of Neuroscience)
fisher Teaching Students to Think Like Scientists and Mathematicians

Douglas B. Fisher, PhD, Professor, Language and Literacy Education, Department of Teacher Education, San Diego State University; Teacher, Health Sciences High and Middle College; Recipient of the Christa McAuliffe Award for Excellence in Teacher Education; Co-Author, Teaching Students to Think Like Scientists (2013); Co-Editor, Reading and Writing in Science (2015)
almarode Unlocking Young Minds in Math and Science by Engaging Their Brains

John T. Almarode, PhD, Department Head and Assistant Professor, Educational Foundations and Exceptionalities, College of Education, James Madison University; Former STEM Teacher; Co-Author, Captivate, Activate, and Invigorate the Student Brain in Science and Math, Grades 6-12 (2013) and “Energizing Students: Maximizing Student Attention and Engagement in the Science Classroom” (2008, The Science Teacher)


dellachiesa Languages and Cultures in the Learning Brain: Implications for Education in a Globalized World

Bruno della Chiesa, DEa, Former Diplomat; Visiting Lecturer, Harvard Graduate School of Education; Cognitive Linguist; Senior Analyst, Centre for Educational Research and Innovation within the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD); Co-Editor, Languages in a Global World: Learning for Better Cultural Understanding (2012) and Understanding the Brain: The Birth of a Learning Science (2007)
freeman The Neuroscience of Culture: Cultural Influences on Perception and Behavior

Jonathan B. Freeman, PhD, Assistant Professor of Psychology; Director, Social Cognitive & Neural Sciences Lab, New York University; Co-Author, “The Cultural Neuroscience of Human Perception” (2014, The Cognitive Neurosciences, 5th Edition), “Culture in Social Neuroscience: A Review” (2013, Social Neuroscience) and “Within-Cultural Variation and the Scope of Cultural Neuroscience” (2013, Psychological Inquiry)
ansari Why Should Teachers Care About Culture and Cognitive Neuroscience?

Daniel Ansari, MSc, PhD, Cognitive Scientist; Professor, Department of Psychology & The Brain and Mind Institute; Principal Investigator, Numerical Cognition Laboratory, The University of Western Ontario; Co-Author, “Neuroeducation – A Critical Overview of an Emerging Field” (2012, Neuroethics) and “Culture and Education: New Frontiers in Brain Plasticity” (2012, Trends in Cognitive Sciences)
hammond Leveraging Culture to Build Brain Power and Promote Deeper Learning

Zaretta L. Hammond, MA, Lecturer, Kalmanovitz School of Education, Saint Mary’s College of California; Chief Instructional Strategist, Transformative Learning Solutions; Past Curriculum Development Manager, National Equity Project; Blogger, Ready for Rigor; Author, Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain: Promoting Authentic Engagement and Rigor Among Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students (2014)
kryza Teaching Multi-Cultural Brains and Learners

Kathleen M. Kryza, MA, CEO, Infinite Horizons; Co-Author, Developing Growth Mindsets in the Inspiring Classroom (2011) and Winning Strategies for Test Taking – Grades 3-8 (2009): Co-Editor, Differentiation for Real Classrooms: Making it Simple, Making it Work (2009)
sieck Developing Global Mindsets: Essential Cognitive Skills for Cultural Readiness

Winston R. Sieck, PhD, Cognitive Psychologist and Researcher; President and Principal Scientist, Global Cognition; e-Learning Developer; President, Thinker Academy; Co-Author, “Metacognitive Strategies for Making Sense of Cross-Cultural Encounters” (2013, Journal of Cross- Cultural Psychology)
mackey Childhood Bilingualism from a Global Perspective: Advantages, Myths and Misconceptions

Alison J. Mackey, PhD, Applied Linguist; Professor and Vice Chair, Department of Linguistics; Georgetown University; Author, Input, Interaction, and Corrective Feedback in L2 Learning (2012); Co-Author,The Bilingual Edge: Why, When, and How to Teach Your Child a Second Language (2007) and "Older Learners in SLA Research: A First Look at Working Memory, Feedback and L2 Development" (2012, Language Learning); Co-Editor, Second Language Acquisition and the Younger Learner (2008)
galinsky Diverse Cultural Experiences Facilitate Creativity and Professional Success

Adam Galinsky, PhD, Psychologist; Vikram S. Pandit Professor of Business; Chair of Management Division, Columbia Business School, Columbia University; Selected as one of the World’s 50 Best B-School Professors in 2012; Researcher in cultural neuroscience and social cognition; Co-Author, “Getting the Most Out of Living Abroad: Biculturalism and Integrative Complexity as Key Drivers of Creative and Professional Success” (2012, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology) and “Multicultural Experience Enhances Creativity” (2008, American Psychologist)


pellegrino Measuring What Matters: Connecting Cognitive Science, Assessment Design and 21st Century Skills

James W. Pellegrino, PhD, Co-Director, Interdisciplinary Learning Sciences Research Institute, University of Illinois at Chicago; Board of Directors, Biological Science Education Curriculum Study; Former Co-Chair of the Committee on Learning Research and Educational Practice and Committee on the Foundations of Assessment; Co-Author of the reports, “Developing Assessments for the Next Generation Science Standards” (2014) and “Education for Life and Work: Developing Transferable Knowledge and Skills in the 21st Century” (2013)
arum Aspiring and Academically Adrift: Critical Thinking in Contemporary Colleges and Careers

Richard Arum, PhD, Professor of Sociology and Education; Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development; Interim Director, Institute for Human Development and Social Change, New York University; Director of the Research Education Program, Social Science Research Council; Co-Author, Aspiring Adults Adrift: Tentative Transitions of College Graduates (2014), Improving Learning Environments (2012) and Academically Adrift: Limited Learning on College Campuses (2011)
barnes Assessment 3.0: Throwing Out Grading and Inspiring Learning

Mark Barnes, MEd, Adjunct Professor, Notre Dame College and Lake Erie College; Discovery Education Network Star Educator; Creator of the Results-Only Learning Environment (ROLE); Author, Five Skills for the Global Learner (2015), Assessment 3.0 (2015), Teaching the iStudent (2014) and Role Reversal: Achieving Uncommonly Excellent Results in the Student-Centered Classroom (2013)
hamilton Assessing 21st Century Competencies

Laura S. Hamilton, PhD, Senior Behavioral Scientist, RAND Corporation; Faculty, Pardee RAND Graduate School; Adjunct Associate Professor of Education, Learning Sciences and Policy Program, University of Pittsburgh; Co-Author, “Measuring 21st Century Competences” (2013, Asia Society Report)
marsh Using Cognitive Science and Technology to Improve Student Learning

Elizabeth J. Marsh, PhD, Cognitive Scientist; Associate Professor and Associate Chair, Psychology and Neuroscience, Duke University; Co-Author, “Integrating Cognitive Science and Technology Improves Learning in a STEM Classroom” (2002, Educational Psychology Review)
naglieri Culturally Fair Assessments of Cognition and 21st Century Skills

Jack A. Naglieri, PhD, Research Professor, Curry School of Education, University of Virginia; Emeritus Professor of Psychology, George Mason University; Co-Author, Practitioner’s Guide to Assessing Intelligence and Achievement (2009) and Helping Children Learn (2011)
aronson A More Elevating Education for the 21st Century

Joshua M. Aronson, PhD, Associate Professor of Applied Psychology; Director, Metro Center for Achievement Research and Evaluation, Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development, New York University; Co-Author, "How to Make a Young Child Smarter: A Meta-analysis" (2013 Perspectives on Psychological Science), "Gender Stereotype Endorsement and Achievement-related Outcomes: The Role of Competence Beliefs and Task Values" (2013, Contemporary Educational Psychology),"Stereotype Threat Impairs Ability Building: Effects on Test Preparation Among Women in Science and Technology"(2011, European Journal of Social Psychology) and "Cultural Malleability of the Racial/Ethnic Hierarchy of Intelligence"(2005, Psychology, Public Policy, and Law)

baird Some Experience Required: How to Prepare the Teen Brain for Today’s Adult World

Abigail A. Baird, PhD, Developmental Neuroscientist; Associate Professor; Director of the Laboratory for Adolescent Studies and Teen Species website, Vassar College; Named the “Rising Star in Psychological Science” by the Association for Psychological Science in 2008; Author, THINK Psychology (2010, 2nd Edition); Co-Author, Building Mind, Brain and Education Connections (2009, Mind, Brain and Education)