

Thursday, May 7, 2015 • Pre-Conference Workshops

Location: Sheraton New York Times Square Hotel

Concurrent Session Guide:
(RP) = Brain Research & Practical Strategies/Interventions
(R) = Mostly Brain/Child Development Research
(P) = Mostly Brain-Based Practical Strategies and Interventions
(K-College, K-12th Grade) = Applicable Grade Levels


1) Global Education
(P, K-College)
2) Reading in the
21st Century
(RP, PreK-College)
3) Common Core & Inquiry
(P, K-12th Grade)
(RP, K-College)
5) Thinking for the 21st Century
(P, K-College)
6) Teaching Teens
(RP/R, 7-College)

8:15 AM – 11:45 AM

Flattening Your Classroom Walls with Global Projects: Teaching Global Competence Through Curriculum & Technology

Lisa Parisi, MA

8:15 AM – 9:15 AM

Part I –
Brains, Reading and Dyslexia in the 21st Century

Laurie Cestnick, PhD

8:15 AM – 11:45 AM

Common Core, Student Inquiry and Learning for the 21st Century

Katherine McKnight, PhD
8:15 AM – 11:45 AM

From STEM To STEAM: How the Arts Can Enhance Instruction in STEM Content Areas

Mariale M. Hardiman, EdD, Ranjini M. JohnBull, PhD, and Clare O’Malley Grizzard, MA
8:15 AM – 11:45 AM

Advancing 21st Century Thinking Using Research on the Brain

Sarah Armstrong, EdD
8:15 AM – 10:45 AM

Part I –
Engaging Teen Brains to Learn and Think

John T. Almarode, PhD

9:15 AM – 11:45 AM

Part II –

Transform Learning by Infusing Critical and Creative Thinking into Reading, Writing and Content Instruction

Robert J. Swartz, PhD

10:45 AM – 11:45 AM

Part II –
The Paradox of the Teenage Brain: How Neurobiology Reveals a Window of Opportunity and Vulnerability

Frances E. Jensen, MD, FACP
11:45 AM – 12:45 PM Lunch Break (On your own)

Thursday, May 7, 2015 • Conference Day 1

Opening Keynote Addresses: Global Minds:Preparing Students for a Changing World

12:45 PM Welcome: Daniel A. LaGattuta, PhD, President, Public Information Resources, Inc.
12:45 PM to 2:00 PM Keynote Address I – Future Wise: Educating Our Children for a Changing Global World
David N. Perkins, PhD

Room: Metropolitan Ballroom
2:00 PM to 2:45 PM Keynote Address II – Educating for Global Competence: Preparing Our Youth for Today’s World
Veronica Boix Mansilla, PhD

Room: Metropolitan Ballroom
2:45 PM – 3:10 PM Networking Coffee Break and Book Signing for David N. Perkins, PhD
3:10 PM to 4:05 PM Keynote Address III – Cultivating Globally Connected, Digitally Literate and Media-Savvy Learners
Heidi Hayes Jacobs, EdD

Room: Metropolitan Ballroom
4:10 PM to 5:05 PM Keynote Address IV – Growing Up Global: Learning That’s at Home in the World – for Everyone
Homa Sabet Tavangar, MPA

Room: Metropolitan Ballroom
5:05 PM – 5:20 PM  Book Signing for Heidi Hayes Jacobs, EdD and Homa Sabet Tavangar, MPA

Friday, May 8 • Conference Day 2

Morning Keynote Addresses: World-Class Minds: Schools & Standards in a Global Age

8:15 AM Presider: William Gaudelli, EdD, Faculty Global Competence Certificate Program, Columbia University
8:15 AM to 9:15 AM Keynote Address I – World-Class Minds vs. Authoritarian Education: The Suicidal Quest for Educational Excellence
Yong Zhao, PhD
Room: Metropolitan Ballroom
9:15 AM to 10:10 AM Keynote Address II – World-Class Teachers and Schools: Lessons from International Models of Excellence 
Vivien Stewart, MPhil
Room: Metropolitan Ballroom
10:10 AM – 10:35 AM Coffee Break, Poster Sessions and Book Signings for Yong Zhao, PhD and Vivian Stewart, MPhil
10:35 AM to 11:30 AM Keynote Address III – Measuring What Matters: Connecting Cognitive Science, Assessment Design and 21st Century Skills
James W. Pellegrino, PhD

Room: Metropolitan Ballroom
11:35 AM to 12:30 PM Keynote Address IV – The Cultural Mind: Connecting Cognition and Culture in Learning
Mary Helen Immordino-Yang, EdD
Room: Metropolitan Ballroom
12:30 PM – 1:45 PM Lunch Break (On your own)

1:45 PM to 5:20 PM Afternoon Concurrent Sessions ‘A’ (Breaks: 3:00-3:10 PM and 4:10-4:20 PM)

1) Global Minds & Classrooms
(RP, K-12th Grade)
2) World-Class Education
(RP, K-College)
3) Reading in the 21st Century
(P, PreK-12th Grade)
4) Thinking in Math & Science
(RP, K-
12th Grade)
5) Benefits of
(RP, 7th Grade-College)
6) Teaching Global, Cultural Brains
(RP, K-College)
7) Assessing 21st Century Skills
(RP, K-
12th Grade)
1:45–3:00 PM

Part I –
Global Education Tools for Grades K-6

Homa Sabet Tavangar, MPA
1:45–3:00 PM

Part I –
A More Elevating Education for the 21st Century

Joshua M Aronson, PhD
1:45–3:00 PM

Part I –
Critical Reading as a 21st Century Skill

Daniel T. Willingham, PhD
1:45–3:00 PM

Part I –
Teaching Students to Think Like Scientists and Mathematicians

Douglas B. Fisher, PhD
1:45–3:00 PM

Part I –
Going Global: Helping Students to Get Ahead by Sending Them Abroad

Stacie Nevadomski Berdan, BA
1:45–3:00 PM

Part I –
Global Citizenship, Multicultural Education and Everyday Transcendence

William Gaudelli, EdD
1:45–3:00 PM

Part I –
Assessment 3.0: Throwing Out Grading to Inspire Learning

Mark Barnes, MEd

3:10–4:10 PM

Part II –
A Lesson for All: K-12 Units on the Right to Education and Worldwide Barriers

Donna A. Román

3:10–4:10 PM

Part II – 

Languages and Cultures in the Learning Brain: Implications for Education in a Globalized Age

Bruno della Chiesa, DEa

3:10–4:10 PM

Part II –
Engaging All Learners in Reading/Writing for Common Core Standards and 21st Century Skills

Katherine McKnight, PhD
3:10–4:10 PM

Part II –
Understanding Children’s Mathematical Minds

Herbert P. Ginsburg, PhD
3:10–4:10 PM

Part II –
Developing Global Mindsets: Essential Cognitive Skills for Cultural Readiness

Winston R. Sieck, PhD
3:10–5:20 PM

Part II –
Creating Global Classrooms and Teaching Multicultural Minds

Kathleen M. Kryza, MA
3:10–4:10 PM

Part II –
Assessing 21st Century & Global Competencies

Laura S. Hamilton, PhD
4:20–5:20 PM

Part III
Preparing Middle School Students for the 21st Century: The GlobalEd 2 Project

Scott W. Brown, PhD
4:20–5:20 PM

Part III –
Using Cognitive Science and Technology to Improve Student Learning

Elizabeth J. Marsh, PhD
4:20–5:20 PM

Part III –
Reading and Writing in the 21st Century

Douglas B. Fisher, PhD
4:20–5:20 PM

Part III –
Early Assessment and Prediction of Arithmetic Competencies & Achievement

Daniel Ansari, MSc, PhD
4:20–5:20 PM

Part III –
Diverse Cultural Experiences Facilitate Creativity and Professional Success

Adam Galinsky, PhD
4:20–5:20 PM

Part III –
Culturally Fair Assessments of Cognition

Jack A. Naglieri, PhD

Saturday, May 9 • Conference Day 3

Morning Keynote Addresses: Cognitive Minds: Cognitive Science, Learning & Language

8:15 AM Presider: Fay E. Brown, PhD, Director, Child and Adolescent Development, Yale University School of Medicine
8:15 AM to 9:10 AM Keynote Address I – Why Should Teachers Care About Cultural and Cognitive Neuroscience? 
Daniel Ansari, MSc, PhD 

Room: Metropolitan Ballroom
9:15 AM to 10:10 AM Keynote Address II – Finnish Lessons 2.0: What Can the World Learn from Educational Change in Finland? 
Pasi Sahlberg, PhD
Room: Metropolitan Ballroom
10:10 AM – 10:35 AM Networking Coffee Break andPoster Sessions and Book Signing for Pasi Sahlberg, PhD
10:35 AM to 11:30 AM Keynote Address III – Childhood Bilingualism from a Global Perspective: Advantages, Myths and Misconceptions 
Alison J. Mackey, PhD

Room: Metropolitan Ballroom
11:30 AM to 12:30 PM Keynote Address IV – The Sense of Style: A Thinking Person’s Guide to Writing in the 21st Century 
Steven A. Pinker, PhD  
Room: Metropolitan Ballroom
12:30 PM – 1:30 PM Lunch Break (On your own) and Book Signing for Steven Pinker, PhD

1:30 PM to 3:45 PM Afternoon Concurrent Sessions ‘B’

1) Global Minds & Classrooms
(RP, K-College)
2) World-Class Teaching
(RP, K-12th Grade)
3) Reading in the 21st Century
(P, PreK-College)
4) Thinking in
Math and Science
(RP, K-6th Grade)
5) Teaching Cultural Minds
(RP, K-College
6) Assessing Teen Thinking Skills
(R, 7th Grade-College)

1:30–3:45 PM

Part I –

Six Strategies to Globalize Your School

Brandon Wiley, EdD

1:30–2:45 PM

Part I –
World-Class Teacher Development: The Teaching Brain and School Reform

Vanessa Rodriguez, EdD Candidate
1:30–3:45 PM

Practical Strategies for Inviting Wonder: Using Multi-Literacies in Culturally Relevant Close Reading Lessons

Kathleen M. Kryza, MA and S. Joy Stephens, PhD Candidate
1:30–3:45 PM

Unlocking Young Minds in Math and Science By Engaging Their Brains

John T. Almarode, PhD
1:30–2:45 PM

Part I –
Leveraging Culture to Build Brain Power and Promote Deeper Learning

Zaretta L. Hammond, MA
1:30–2:45 PM

Part I – 
Some Experience Required: How to Prepare the Teen Brain for Today’s Adult World

Abigail Baird, PhD
2:45–3:45 PM

Part II –
Global Education: Best Practices

Neelam Chowdhary, EdD
2:45–3:45 PM

Part II
How Arts and Culture Boost Creativity and 21st Century Skills

Ivonne Chand O’Neal, PhD
2:45–3:45 PM

Part II –
The Neuroscience of Culture: Cultural Influences on Perception and Behavior

Jonathan B. Freeman, PhD
2:45–3:45 PM

Part II –
Aspiring and Academically Adrift: Critical Thinking in Contemporary Colleges and Careers

Richard Arum, PhD

Note:  Schedule is preliminary and subject to change.