The Creating Brain: The Neuroscience of Creativity
Nancy C. Andreasen, MD, PhD, Chair, Department of Psychiatry; Director, Neuroimaging Research Center and Mental Health Clinical Research Center, University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine; A leading expert on creativity; Recipient, President's National Medal of Science; Author, The Creating Brain: The Neuroscience of Genius (2005) |
Creative Teaching for the 21st Century
R. Keith Sawyer, PhD, Professor of Education, Psychology and Business, Washington University in St. Louis; Author, Explaining Creativity: The Science of Human Innovation (2012, 2nd Edition), "A call to action: The challenges of creative teaching and learning" (2011, Teachers College Record) and "The cognitive neuroscience of creativity" (2011, Creativity Research Journal) |
Creative Brains: Maximizing Imagination and Innovation in Students
Shelley H. Carson, PhD, Psychologist; Adjunct Faculty, Department of Psychology, Harvard University; Researcher on creativity; Blogger, Psychology Today; Author, Your Creative Brain: Seven Steps to Maximize Imagination, Productivity and Innovation in Your Life (2010) |
Simple Steps to Boost Creativity in Children
Christine L. Carter, PhD, Sociologist; Director, Parenting Programs, Greater Good Science Center, University of California, Berkeley; Blogger, Psychology Today; Author, Raising Happiness: 10 Simple Steps for More Joyful Kids and Happier Parents (2011) and "Everyday Art" (2009, Why Make Art - Greater Good Magazine); Innovation Consultant for Fortune 500 companies |
Nurturing Creativity in the Classroom
James C. Kaufman, PhD, Professor of Psychology; Founding Director, Learning Research Institute, California State University, San Bernardino; Author, Creativity 101 (2009); Co- Editor, Teaching Creatively and Teaching Creativity (2012) and Nurturing Creativity in the Classroom (2010); and Ronald A. Beghetto, PhD, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs; Associate Professor of Education Studies, College of Education, University of Oregon; Associate Editor, Journal of Creative Behavior and International Journal of Creativity and Problem Solving; Author, Killing Ideas Softly? The Promise and Perils of Creativity in the Classroom (forthcoming); Co-Editor, Nurturing Creativity in the Classroom (2010) |
Developing Student Creativity in a Technology Driven World
Lucy Jo Palladino, PhD, Award-Winning Psychologist; Child Development Expert; Former Clinical Faculty, University of Arizona Medical School; Author, Find Your Focus: An Effective New Plan to Defeat Distraction and Overload (2007) |
Ungifted: Intelligence and Talents Redefined
Scott Barry Kaufman, PhD, Cognitive Scientist; Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology, New York University; blogger of "Beautiful Minds" (Psychology Today); Associate Editor of The International Journal of Creativity and Problem Solving; Author, Ungifted: Intelligence Redefined (2013); Editor, Beyond "Talent or Practice?": The Complexity of Greatness (Upcoming); Co-Editor, The Cambridge Handbook of Intelligence (2011) |
Brain Basis of Learning Disorders, Giftedness and Creativity
Fumiko Hoeft, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Child ghj_amp Adolescent Psychiatry; Director, Laboratory for Educational Neuroscience, University of California, San Francisco; Co-Author, "The brain basis of the phonological deficit in dyslexia is independent of IQ" (2011, Psychological Sciences) |
Genetics is Different NOW: Big Changes in Understanding Talents and Abilities
Kurt W. Fischer, PhD, Director, Mind, Brain, and Education Program (MBE), Harvard University Graduate School of Education; Past President, International Mind, Brain, and Education Society (IMBES); Editor, Mind, Brain and Education Journal; Co-Author, "Directions for mind, brain, and education: Methods, models, and morality" (2011, Journal of Educational Philosophy and Theory), and "Mind, brain and education in the era of globalization" (2007, Learning and Living in the Global Era) |
First Person Solvers: Rethinking Mathematics Education in the Video Game Era
Keith J. Devlin, PhD, "The Math Guy" on National Public Radio; Co-Founder and Executive Director, H-Star Institute, Stanford University; World Economic Forum Fellow and a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science; Recipient of the Carl Sagan Award; Author, Introduction to Mathematical Thinking (2012) and Mathematics Education for a New Era: Video Games as a Medium for Learning (2011) |
Developing Critical Thinking and Creativity through Academic Conversations
Jeff Zwiers, EdD, Senior Researcher, Stanford University School of Education; Author of Academic Conversations: Classroom Talk That Fosters Critical Thinking and Content Understandings (2011), Building Reading Comprehension Habits in Grade 6-12 (2010) and Building Academic Language: Essential Practice for Content Classrooms (2008) |
Bridging The Arts and Humanities with Brain Science and Education
Kenneth S. Kosik, MD, Co-Director, Neuroscience Research Institute; Harriman Chair and Professor of Neuroscience Research, Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, University of California, Santa Barbara; Founder/Executive Director, Clinical Research, Cognitive Fitness and Innovative Therapies, which uses therapies from music and games to reduce cognitive decline |
Literature and Cognitive Science in the Classroom
Joshua Landy, PhD, Associate Professor of French who teaches a course on "Literature and the Brain"; Co-Director of the Literature and Philosophy Initiative, Division of Literatures, Cultures and Languages, Stanford University; Author, How To Do Things with Fictions (2012) and Philosophy as Fiction: Self, Deception, and Knowledge in Proust (2004) |
Fostering Student Creativity by Teaching with Unifying Concepts in Science and Art
Susan G. Zwirn, EdD, Associate Professor of Arts Education, Hofstra University; Author, "Research study: The artist teacher in the K-12 classroom" (2010, Studies in Art Education); Instructor on brain research, learning and the arts; and Jacqueline Grennon Brooks, EdD, Professor of Science Education; Director, Institute for the Development of Education in the Advanced Sciences, Hofstra University; Author, Big Science for Growing Minds (2011), Schooling for Life (2002) and In Search of Understanding (2001)
The Creativity Edge in Education: Arts, Technology and Passion
Milton Chen, PhD, Senior Fellow and Executive Director Emeritus, Edutopia, The George Lucas Educational Foundation; Former Assistant Professor, Harvard Graduate School of Education; Former Director of Research, Sesame Workshop's Sesame Street, The Electric Company and 3-2-1 Contact; Fulbright New Century Scholar; Author, Education Nation: Seven Leading Edges of Innovation in Our Schools (2010) |
Bringing Innovation to Schools: Empowering Students for a Changing World
Suzanne K. Boss, BA, National Faculty Member, the Buck Institute for Education; Blogger, Edutopia; Contributor, Stanford Social Innovation Review, Stanford University; Author, Bringing Innovation to School: Empowering Students to Thrive in a Changing World (2012); Co-Author, Reinventing Project-Based Learning: Your Field Guide to Real-World Projects in the Digital Age (2008) |
The Art of Teaching Creativity and Innovation
Tina L. Seelig, PhD, Neuroscientist; Executive Director, Stanford Technology Ventures Program, School of Engineering; Director, Stanford Entrepreneurship Network, Stanford University; Director, National Center for Engineering Pathways to Innovation; Winner of the 2009 Bernard M. Gordon Prize from the National Academy of Engineering for Innovation in Engineering and Technology Education and the 2008 National Olympus Innovation Award; Author, inGenius: A Crash Course on Creativity (2012) |
Mind Expansion as a Means to Innovation
Roberta B. Ness, MD, MPH, Internationally Renowned Physician and Scientist; Dean, School of Public Health and School of Biomedical Informatics, Health Science Center at Houston, University of Texas; Developer of the "Innovative Thinking" course; Author, Innovation Generation: How to Produce Creative and Useful Scientific Ideas (2012) |
Creativity and Innovation: from Man vs Machine, to Man and Machine
Charles K. Fadel, MBA, Founder/Chairman, Center for Curriculum Redesign; Visiting Practitioner, Mind, Brain and Education Program, Harvard Graduate School of Education, and visiting lecturer at MIT/ESG; Former Global Education Lead, Cisco Systems and Cisco Board Member at the Partnership for 21st Century Skills; Co-Author, 21st Century Skills: Learning for Life in Our Times (2009) |
World Class Leaders: Educating Creative and Entrepreneurial Students
Yong Zhao, PhD, Presidential Chair; Associate Dean for Global Education, College of Education, University of Oregon; Director, Center for Advanced Technology in Education; Author, World Class Leaders: Educating Creative and Entrepreneurial Students (2012) and Catching Up or Leading the Way: American Education in the Age of Globalization (2009) |
Imagination and the Fires Within: Design and Math Thinking for the 21st Century
Shelley V. Goldman, EdD, Professor of Education; Director, Learning Sciences and Technology Design; Principal Investigator, REDlab Research in Education ghj_amp Design; Stanford University School of Education; Former Elementary and Middle School Teacher; Author, "Destination, imagination and the fires within," (2010, International Journal of Art ghj_amp Design Education); Co-Editor, Educating Learning Technology Designers (2008) and Thinking Practices in Mathematics and Science Learning (1998) |
Reimagining Teaching and Technology: The Napa New Tech School
Paul Curtis, EdD, Assistant Director of School Development, New Tech Network, Napa CA. New Tech Network works nationwide with schools, districts and communities to develop innovative public high schools. While providing services and support that enable schools to fundamentally rethink teaching and learning, their goal is to enable students to gain the knowledge and 21st century skills they need to succeed in life, college and the careers of tomorrow. |
Reasoning Ability: Neural Mechanisms, Development and Plasticity
Silvia A. Bunge, PhD, Neuroscientist; Associate Professor, Department of Psychology and Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute; Principal Investigator, Building Blocks of Cognition Lab; Principal Investigator, The Neurodevelopment of Reasoning Ability Study, University of California, Berkeley; Co-Author, "Experience-dependent plasticity in white matter microstructure: Reasoning training alters structural connectivity" (2012, Frontiers in Neuroanatomy) |
The "Aha!" Moment: The Cognitive Neuroscience of Insight
Mark Beeman, PhD, Associate Professor of Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience Program, Northwestern University; Co-Author, "Visual attention modulates insight versus analytic solving of verbal problems" (2012, The Journal of Problem Solving), "Aha! The cognitive neuroscience of insight" (2009, Current Directions in Psychological Science) and "The origins of insight in resting-state brain activity" (2008, Neuropsychologia) |
Group Genius: The Power of Collaborative Brainstorming, Flow and Insight
R. Keith Sawyer, PhD, Professor of Education, Psychology and Business, Washington University in St. Louis; Author, Group Genius: The Creative Power of Collaboration (2007); Editor, Structure and Improvisation in Creative Teaching (2011) |
Exploring the Neural Correlates of Insight Solutions and Visual Creativity
Lisa S. Aziz-Zadeh, PhD, Assistant Professor, Brain and Creativity Institute; University of Southern California; Author, "Exploring the neural correlates of visual creativity" (2012, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience) and "Aha!: The neural correlates of verbal insight solutions." (2012, Human Brain Map) |
Brains "At Rest": Implications of Reflection and Daydreaming for Learning and Memory
Mary Helen Immordino-Yang, EdD, Assistant Professor, Rossier School of Education; Research Assistant Professor, Brain and Creativity Institute, University of Southern California; Co-Author, "Rest is Not Idleness: Implications of the Brain's Default Mode for Human Development and Education" (2012, Perspectives on Psychological Science) and "Musings on the neurobiological and evolutionary origins of creativity via a developmental analysis of one child's poetry" (2011, LEARNing Landscapes) |
Scientific Genius, Creativity and Insight
Dean Keith Simonton, PhD, Distinguished Professor, Department of Psychology, University of California, Davis; Member of the Publisher Advisory Committee, Education, Creativity, and Social Development (East China Normal University Press); Winner of the 2011 Farnsworth Award for Outstanding Service to the Society for Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts by the American Psychological Association; Author, Great Flicks: Scientific Studies of Cinematic Creativity and Aesthetics (2011), Genius 101 (2009) and Creativity in Science: Chance, Logic, Genius, and Zeitgeist (2004) |
Experiencing Art: In the Brain of the Beholder
Arthur P. Shimamura, PhD, Creative Photographer; Professor, Psychology, University of California, Berkeley; Director, Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory; Faculty, Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute; Scientific Advisor, San Francisco Exploratorium Science Museum; Co-Editor, Aesthetic Science: Connecting Minds, Brains and Experience (2012) |
Integrating Art, Learning and Creativity in School Curriculum
Julia Marshall, EdD, MFA, Studio Artist; Professor, Department of Fine Art, San Francisco State University; Research on curriculum development and arts integration; Artist-in-the-Museum with the Oakland Museum of California and the Bay Area Children's Museum; Member, Arts Education Task Force, California Arts Council; Author, "Five ways to integrate: Using strategies from contemporary art"
(2010, Art Education) and "Connecting art, learning, and creativity" (2005, Studies in Art Education) |
The Neuropsychology of the Arts: Artistic Creativity, Talent, Beauty and the Brain
Dahlia W. Zaidel, PhD, Adjunct Professor, Behavioral Neuroscience, Brain Research Institute; Director, Brain, Cognition, and Neuropsychology Lab, University of California, Los Angeles; Researcher on art and talents who has studied Einstein's brain; Author, "Neuroscience, biology, and brain evolution in visual art" (2011, The Aesthetic Mind) |
When Walls Become Doorways - The View from Creative Classrooms: An Empirical Investigation of the Impact of Arts Integration on Student Outcomes
Ivonne C. O'Neal, MA, Director of Research and Evaluation, The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts; Member, American Psychological Association and American Association of Museums; Former Associate Curator, Museum of Creativity, Milken Family Foundation |
Tuning Up the Brain: Biological Benefits of Music Education for Language and Learning Skills
Nina Kraus, PhD; Hugh Knowles Professor, Principal Investigator, Auditory Neuroscience Laboratory, Northwestern University; Co-Author, "A little goes a long way: How the adult brain is shaped by musical training in childhood" (2012, The Journal of Neuroscience); and Jessica Slater, PhD Candidate, Auditory Neuroscience Laboratory, Communication Services and Disorders, Northwestern University |
A New Culture of Learning: Cultivating Imagination and Play for a World of Constant Change
John Seely Brown, PhD, Visiting Scholar and Advisor, Provost, University of Southern California; Independent Co-Chairman, Center for the Edge, Deloitte; Co-Founder, Institute for Research on Learning; Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the National Academy of Education; Co-Author, A New Culture of Learning: Cultivating the Imagination in a World of Constant Change (2011) |
The Imaginative Gifts of ADHD: How Fantasy Creates Reality
Lara Honos-Webb, PhD, Clinical Psychologist; Former Assistant Professor, Santa Clara University; Former Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of California, San Francisco; Author, The Gift of ADHD: How to Transform Your Child's Problems into Strengths (2005) |
Dreamers, Discoverers and Dynamos: Helping Divergent Thinkers Stay Focused in Class
Lucy Jo Palladino, PhD, Award-Winning Psychologist; Child Development Expert; Former Clinical Faculty, University of Arizona Medical School; Author, Dreamers, Discoverers and Dynamos: How to Help the Child Who is Bright, Bored and Having Problems in School (1999) |
The Neural Substrates of Musical Improvisation
Charles J. Limb, MD, Associate Professor, Head and Neck Surgery, Johns Hopkins University; Peabody Conservatory of Music; Researcher on neural connections to music, creativity and improvisation; Author, "Neural Substrates of Spontaneous Musical Performance: An fMRI Study of Jazz Improvisation" (2008, PLoS ONE) |
Fostering Play and Imagination in Children with Autism with Typical Peers
Pamela J. Wolfberg, PhD, Professor, Special Education, San Francisco State University; Faculty Advisor, Autism Spectrum Program; Founder, Autism Institute on Peer Socialization and Play; Author, Play and Imagination in Children with Autism (2009) |
Spontaneity, Creativity and Improv in Class: The Theater Games of Viola Spolin
Ben Bernstein, PhD, Psychologist; Performance Coach; Opera Producer and Composer; Theater Director who was trained Viola Spolin, author of the landmark book, Improvisation for the Theater. Bernstein is the author of Test Success!: How to be Calm, Confident, and Focused on Any Test (2012) |
Teach Your Children Well: Creativity, Play and Authentic Achievement
Madeline Levine, PhD, Nationally Known Psychologist; Clinician; Consultant; Educator; Co-Founder of Challenge Success, a project born at the Stanford University School of Education; Author, Teach Your Children Well: Parenting for Authentic Success (2012) and The Price of Privilege (2006) |