

Education is facing a crisis in the wake of the pandemic, enrollment, and funding issues. Both parents and teachers say education is getting worse. A 2023 Pew Research Center survey found that about half the US adults (51%) felt K-12 public schools were going in the wrong direction. A separate 2023 Pew Research Center survey found that a majority of teachers (82%) believe that K-12 education has gotten worse in the last 5 years. Both public and private schools also face lower enrollment and closures. But scientists have learned a lot about cheaper and more effective teaching and learning strategies that can help transform education for the better and create sustainable educational change. And a 2019 Deans for Impact survey found that 60% of educators agree that a research-supported strategy would be more effective. By using scientific, research, and evidence-based practices, schools will be better able to improve and sustain change by creating a foundation of effective teaching, learning, and leadership.

This "Science of How We Learn" conference will bring cognitive scientists, neuroscientists, psychologists, and education leaders together to explore the science of learning, teaching, and leadership, the latest in evidence-based practices, and ways to sustain classroom instruction, assessments, and leadership practices in today's classrooms. Discover the strategies and tools you need to transform the practices of teaching, technology and AI integration, testing and assessment, engagement, mastery, reading, mathematics, science, and school leadership.

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter (@learningandtheb / #LatB71) for conference updates and news.

This conference will be presented as a hybrid conference. You can either attend in person or participate virtually. Click here for more details.

Featured Speakers

The Sustainability of Teaching for the Future

Andrew P. Hargreaves, PhD

Thomas More Brennan Chair; Research Professor, Lynch School of Education, Boston College; Visiting Professor, Director of Change, Engagement and Innovation in Education, University of Ottawa; Former Professor of Educational Leadership and Change, The University of Nottingham; Educational Researcher currently working on a $2.7 million project funded by the LEGO Foundation to develop and conduct research into a national network of schools that serve high needs populations through play-based learning; Honored with the “Horace Mann” Award in the US, the “Robert Owen” Award in Scotland for services to public education, and the “Excellence in Teaching With Technology” Award from Boston College; Elected President of the International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement and Elected Member of the National Academy of Education; Author, Leadership from the Middle (2023); Co-Author, The Age of Identity: Who Do Our Kids Think They Are . . . and How Do We Help Them Belong? (2023), Well-Being in Schools (2021), Five Paths to Student Engagement (2021), Teaching in the Knowledge Society (2016), Professional Capital (2013), and The Global Fourth Way (2012)

How Does Learning Happen and What Does It Look Like?

Carl Hendrick, PhD

Professor of Education, Academica University of Applied Sciences; Co-Author, How Teaching Happens: Seminal Works in Teaching and Teacher Effectiveness and What They Mean in Practice (2022), How Learning Happens: Seminal Works in Educational Psychology and What They Mean in Practice (2020), and What Does This Look Like in the Classroom?: Bridging the Gap Between Research and Practice (2017)