Bit by Bit, Putting It Together

Over at Teacherhead, Tom Sherrington has posted a form that teachers can use for lesson plans.

He has put together different versions: one filled-in with explanations, another left blank for teachers to use, yet another for adapting and editing.

The Bigger Picture

In the world of Learning and the Brain, researchers explore precise, narrow questions about learning. The result: lots of precise, narrow answers.

For instance: Technique X helped this group of bilingual 5th graders in Texas learn more about their state constitution.

How might Technique X help you? With your students? And your curriculum?

And, crucially, how does Technique X fit together with Technique Y, Technique 7, and Technique Gamma — which you also heard about at the conference?

As you’ve heard me say: only the teacher can figure out the best way to put the research pieces together. Once you’ve gathered all the essential information, you’re in the best position to conjure the optimal mix for your specific circumstances.

All Together Now

And, that’s why I like Sherrington’s lesson planning form so much.

You’ve seen research into the importance of “activating prior knowledge.” You’ve also seen research into the importance of “retrieval practice.” You know about “prior misconceptions.” And so forth…

But, how do those distinct pieces all fit together?

This lesson planning form provides one thoughtful answer.

To be clear: this answer doesn’t have to be your answer. For this reason (I assume), Sherrington included a form that you can edit and make your own.

The key message as you start gearing up for January: research does indeed offer exciting examples and helpful new ways to think about teaching and learning.

Teachers should draw on that research. And: we’ll each put the pieces together in our own ways.

tags: category: L&B Blog

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