Director, Contemplative-Based Resilience Project, The Garrison Institute; Senior Trainer, Instructional Content Developer, Program Development, and Implementation Specialist for Transformative Social-Emotional Learning; Nationally recognized Specialist for Safe Schools and School Climate; President, PeacePraxis; Former Adjunct Instructor, Temple University; Former High School Student Assistance Counselor, and Director of Prevention Programs at a community-based educational non-profit; Co-Creator of “The School Climate Thermometer”, a survey instrument designed to ‘take the temperature’ of school climate at middle schools; Co-Author, Create a Culture of Kindness in Middle School: 48 Character-Building Lessons to Foster Respect and Prevent Bullying (2017)
Creating Classrooms for Empathy and Kindness
Be an Upstander, Not a Bystander: 10 Practical Strategies to Reduce Bullying and Create a Positive Culture