
MEMORY ghj_amp MIND:

A One-Day Symposium for Educators and Clinicians
April 7, 2011 - Alfred Lerner Hall in NYC (W. 115th Street and Broadway)
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM

Co-Sponsored by:
The Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives, NYC
Part of the National "Brain Awareness" Week Campaign

Connecting Mind, Memory and Academic Achievement

This one-day Learning ghj_amp the Brain Symposium will bring neuroscientists and educators together to explore how memory works in the brain and its connection to classroom performance, the achievement gap, and language/learning deficits. It will also provide strategies and methods for improving memory for student learning and test taking.

>>Download Symposium Brochure (pdf)

>>Download Symposium Brochure for Speech-Language Pathologists (pdf)


kandelDr. Eric Kandel won the Nobel Prize in 2000 for his work in the physiology of memory. His seminal research in biochemistry and biophysics over five decades has advanced scientific understanding of the relationship between the mind and the brain.

Dr. Kandel graduated from Harvard University and earned a medical degree at the NYU School of Medicine. He began his research career at the National Institute of Mental Health, where he studied mammalian brain neurophysiology. Upon finishing a residency in clinical psychiatry, he joined the staff of the Massachusetts Mental Health Center in Boston, while continuing to conduct research and teach at Harvard Medical School. He became professor of physiology and psychiatry at NYU in 1965.

In 1974, Dr. Kandel moved to Columbia University where he founded the Center for Neurobiology and Behavior. He is a professor of biochemisty and biophysics on the faculty of Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. Throughout his rich career, Dr. Kandel has maintained an active interest in clinical psychiatry, particularly in fostering the interchange of ideas across diverse disciplines.

Along with the Nobel Prize, Dr. Kandel is the recipient of many honors including the Lasker Award, the Gairdner Award, the Harvey Prize, and the National Medal of Science.

He has chronicled his remarkable career in his autobiography In Search of Memory: The Emergence of a New Science of Mind (2007) and co-authored the book, Memory: From Mind to Molecules (2008).

Additional speakers include:
aronson Joshua Aronson, PhD, Associate Professor of Applied Psychology, Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development, New York University; author of Improving Academic Achievement: Impact of Psychological Factors on Education (2002)
willingham Daniel T. Willingham, PhD, Cognitive Scientist; Professor, Dept. of Psychology; Faculty, Center for the Advance Study of Teaching and Learning, University of Virginia; author of Why Don't Students Like School: A Cognitive Scientist Answers Questions About How the Mind Works and What It Means for the Classroom (2009) and Cognition: The Thinking Animal (2006)

Judy Willis, MD, EdM, Board-Certified Neurologist; Adjunct Professor, University of California, Santa Barbara; middle school teacher; author of Learning to Love Math (2010), How Your Child Learns Best: Brain-Friendly Strategies to Ignite Your Child's Learning and Increase School Success (2008), and "Brain-based teaching strategies for improving students' memory, learning, and test-taking success" (2007, Childhood Education Journal)


Lila Davachi, PhD, Principal Investigator, Learning and Memory Lab; Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, New York University; co-author, "Distributed Learning Enhances Relational Memory Consolidation" (2008, Learning and Memory) and "Neural Correlates of Working Memory Retrieval" (2008, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience)


John D.E. Gabrieli, PhD, Grover Herman Professor of Health Sciences and Technology and Professor of Brain and Cognitive Sciences; Co-Director, Clinical Research Center; Director, Athinoula A. Martinos Imaging Center, McGovern Institute for Brain Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; co-author, "Development of spatial and verbal working memory capacity in the human brain" (2009, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience)


Tracy P. Alloway, PhD, Director, Center for Memory and Learning in the Lifespan, University of Sterling, UK; developed the world's first standardized working-memory tests for educators; 2009 winner of the prestigious Joseph Lister Award, British Science Association; author, Improving Working Memory (2010) and Training Your Brain For Dummies (2010); co-author, "Examining the link between working memory, behavior and academic attainment in children with ADHD" (2010, Developmental Medicine ghj_amp Child Neurology), "Working memory, learning, and academic achievement" (2010, APA Educational Psychology Handbook), Working Memory and Learning: A Practical Guide for Teachers (2008)


Peter Gordon, PhD, Associate Professor, Speech ghj_amp Language Pathology; Coordinator, Neuroscience and Education Program, Teachers College, Columbia University; co-author, "Facts, events and inflection: When language and memory dissociate" (2005, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience)


Kimberly G. Noble, MD, PhD, Pediatrician; Developmental Cognitive Neuroscientist; Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Department of Pediatrics, and the G.H. Sergievsky Center, Columbia University; co-author, "Socioeconomic background predicts individual differences in neurocognitive abilities" (2007, Developmental Science) and "Poverty, privilege, and brain development: Empirical findings and ethical implications" (2005, Neuroethics: Defining the Issues in Theory, Practice, and Policy)


David M. Amodio, PhD, Director, Social Neuroscience Lab; Assistant Professor of Psychology; Assistant Professor, Center for Neural Science, New York University; co-author, "Reducing the expression of implicit stereotypes: Reflexive control through implementation intentions" (2010, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin)


Kirby Deater-Deckard, PhD, Developmental Psychologist; Professor, Dept. of Psychology, Virginia Tech; author of Parenting Stress (2004), "Maternal working memory and reactive negativity in parenting" (2010, Psychological Science), "Effortful control, surgency, and reading skills in middle childhood" (2008, Reading ghj_amp Writing), a series of behavioral genetic studies of children's attentive/task persistent behavior from preschool through elementary school (2004, 2005, 2006, Developmental Science); co-author of "Exploring how ADHD symptoms are related to reading and mathematics performance: General genes, general environments" (2010, Psychological Science) and "Genetic and environmental influences on growth in reading skills" (2011, Journal of Child Psychology ghj_amp Psychiatry)

Cynthia R. Green, PhD, Founder/Director, Memory Enhancement Program; Assistant Clinical Professor, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, NYC; President, Memory Arts, LLC; author of Brainpower Game Plan: Sharpen Your Memory, Improve Your Concentration; Age-Proof Your Mind in Just 4 Weeks (2009); and Total Memory Workout: 8 Easy Steps to Maximum Memory Fitness (2001)