Speakers and Sessions


Registration is $619 for individuals/$549 for groups of 5 or more through November 2

Please book your hotels now as it is a very busy time in Boston the week of the L&B conference



"Hide not your talents, They for use were made"
- Boston Native Benjamin Franklin

Researchers in cognitive and psychological sciences are exploring the “Science of Human Greatness.” By studying child prodigies, savants, and great innovators like Benjamin Franklin and Albert Einstein, scientists are trying to answer the complex questions of human potential: What makes a person a “creative genius”? Is “greatness” the result of innate talents or practice? Research has found that passion, interest, genes, abilities, practice, persistence, and parent/teacher support all contribute to reaching full potential, and that everyone's inborn creativity and talents can be cultivated. Yet, many children's talents and passions are ignored in schools. Explore the science behind child potential, prodigies, gifted, and genius. Discover how you can unleash and nurture your own and your students' passions, interests, expertise, and creative talents, and find out how schools can help children and youth reach their full potential.

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter (@learningandtheb / #latb51) for conference updates and news


You will gain knowledge about:
  • The science of human greatness, talents, and abilities
  • Ways schools can help students reach their full potential
  • The importance of promoting personal passions and interests
  • Ways to teach for wisdom, intelligence, creativity, and innovation
  • How the mistakes of great minds can motivate student learning
  • The link between learning disorders, autism, and creative genius
  • Using art, STEAM, and technology to engage children's interests
  • The human brain, abilities, genes, intelligence, and environment
  • Developing the talents of the gifted children, prodigies, and savants
  • Innate talents vs. deliberate practice in expert performance
  • Personalizing learning, reading, and writing

Featured Speakers

You, Your Child, and School: Teaching to Their Talents, Passions, and Potential

Sir Ken Robinson, PhD

Finding Your Personal Greatness

Scott Barry Kaufman, PhD

Cognitive and Humanistic Psychologist; Founder and Director, Center for Human Potential; Former Adjunct Associate Professor, Barnard College, Columbia University; Honorary Principal Fellow, Center for Wellbeing Science, University of MelbourneFormer Scientific Director, The Imagination Institute, University of Pennsylvania; Host of the #1 Psychology Podcast, The Psychology Podcast, with over 30 million downloads; Columnist, “Beautiful Minds,” Scientific American; Author, Transcend: The New Science of Self-Actualization (2020), Twice Exceptional (2018), and Ungifted: Intelligence Redefined (2015); Co-Author, Learned Helplessness (2020), Choose Growth: A Workbook for Transcending Trauma, Fear, and Self-Doubt (2022), Wired to Create: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Creative Mind (2016), and “Imagination Is the Seed of Creativity” (2018, The Cambridge Handbook of Creativity)

The Power of Different: The Link Between Disorders, Creativity, and Genius

Gail Saltz, MD

Reach for Greatness: Personalizable Education for All Children

Yong Zhao, PhD

Foundation Distinguished Professor, School of Education, University of Kansas; Professorial Fellow at the Mitchell Institute for Health and Education Policy, Victoria University; Professor in Educational Leadership, Melbourne Graduate School of Education; Author, Learners Without Borders: New Learning Pathways for All Students (2021), “COVID-19 as Catalyst for Educational Change” (2020, Prospects), and What Works May Hurt – Side Effects in Education (2018); Co-Author, Teaching Students to Become Self-Determined Learners (2020) and An Education Crisis Is a Terrible Thing to Waste: How Radical Changes Can Spark Student Excitement and Success (2019)

Teaching for Wisdom, Intelligence, Creativity, and Success

Robert J. Sternberg, PhD

Your Pursuit of Greatness

Ransom W. Stephens, PhD


You, Your Child, and School: Teaching to Their Talents, Passions, and Potential

Sir Ken Robinson, PhD

Lifelong Kindergarten: Cultivating Creativity Through Projects, Passion, Peers, and Play

Mitchel Resnick, PhD

Reach for Greatness: Personalizable Education for All Children

Yong Zhao, PhD

Foundation Distinguished Professor, School of Education, University of Kansas; Professorial Fellow at the Mitchell Institute for Health and Education Policy, Victoria University; Professor in Educational Leadership, Melbourne Graduate School of Education; Author, Learners Without Borders: New Learning Pathways for All Students (2021), “COVID-19 as Catalyst for Educational Change” (2020, Prospects), and What Works May Hurt – Side Effects in Education (2018); Co-Author, Teaching Students to Become Self-Determined Learners (2020) and An Education Crisis Is a Terrible Thing to Waste: How Radical Changes Can Spark Student Excitement and Success (2019)

Interest Matters: The Importance of Promoting Interest in Education

Judith M. Harackiewicz, PhD

Moving Childhood Potential to Adult Creative Achievement

Rena F. Subotnik, PhD

Learner Centered Innovation: Experiences That Spark Curiosity, Ignite Passion, and Unleash Genius

Katie L. Martin, PhD


Teaching for Wisdom, Intelligence, Creativity, and Success

Robert J. Sternberg, PhD

The Power of Different: The Link Between Disorders, Creativity, and Genius

Gail Saltz, MD

The Science and Paradox of Intelligence: Environment, Enhancement, and Education

Louis D. Matzel, PhD

Superhuman Minds: How the Science of Savants Shows Us How to Free the Genius in Children

Berit O. Brogaard, PhD, DMSci

Hidden Disabilities, Hidden Talents: Tapping Creativity to Teach to Their Abilities

LeDerick R. Horne, BA

Using Neuroscience to Understand and Teach All Gifted Students

Jack A. Naglieri, PhD


Finding Your Personal Greatness

Scott Barry Kaufman, PhD

Cognitive and Humanistic Psychologist; Founder and Director, Center for Human Potential; Former Adjunct Associate Professor, Barnard College, Columbia University; Honorary Principal Fellow, Center for Wellbeing Science, University of MelbourneFormer Scientific Director, The Imagination Institute, University of Pennsylvania; Host of the #1 Psychology Podcast, The Psychology Podcast, with over 30 million downloads; Columnist, “Beautiful Minds,” Scientific American; Author, Transcend: The New Science of Self-Actualization (2020), Twice Exceptional (2018), and Ungifted: Intelligence Redefined (2015); Co-Author, Learned Helplessness (2020), Choose Growth: A Workbook for Transcending Trauma, Fear, and Self-Doubt (2022), Wired to Create: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Creative Mind (2016), and “Imagination Is the Seed of Creativity” (2018, The Cambridge Handbook of Creativity)

10,000-Hour Myth: Lessons From Child Prodigies

Ellen Winner, PhD

Beyond the Born vs. Made Debate: A New Model of Expertise and Talent

David Z. Hambrick, PhD

Finding and Nurturing Exceptional Intellectual Talent

David Lubinski, PhD

Fantastic Failures: How Learning From Great Minds Can Help Students Reach Their Potential

Luke Reynolds, PhD

Nurturing Children’s Talents: A Guide for Parents and Teachers

Kenneth A. Kiewra, PhD

Unleashing the Talents Within You, Students, and Teachers

Kara Knollmeyer, MA

Unlocking Student Talent: The New Science of Developing Expertise


Participatory Creativity: Expanding Our Understanding of Invention and Innovation

Edward P. Clapp, EdD

The Neuroscience of Creativity: Mapping Creative Cognition and Abilities in the Brain

Roger E. Beaty, PhD

The Potential of Creativity: Providing Purpose, Meaning, and Equity for a Better World

James C. Kaufman, PhD

Professor of Educational Psychology, Neag School of Education, University of Connecticut; Renowned Expert on Creativity; Winner of the Mensa’s Research Award, the Torrance Award from the National Association for Gifted Children, the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children’s International Creativity Award and APA’s Berlyne, Arnheim, and Farnsworth awards; Author, The Creativity Advantage (2023), Creativity and Mental Health (2017), and Creativity 101 (2016, 2nd Edition); Co-Author, Lessons in Creativity from Musical Theatre Characters (2023); Co-Editor, the Cambridge Handbook of Creativity (2019, 2nd Edition)

The Creative Spark: Imagination, Creativity, and Cooperation in Human Evolution

Agustin Fuentes, PhD

The Science of Innovation: Overcoming Obstacles to Creativity in Your Classroom

Anthony J. McCaffrey, PhD

What the Quirky Lives of Franklin, Einstein, and Marie Curie Teach Us About Creative Genius

Melissa A. Schilling, PhD

Imagineering Success in Today's Hyper-Competitive, Prescriptive Education Landscape

Kristen Lee, EdD, LICSW

Inspiration and Meaning Making: What Great Teachers Do to Promote Creative Potential

Kathleen M. Kryza, MA

Master Teacher; CIO, Infinite Horizons; Co-Author, Transformative Teaching: Changing Today's Classrooms Culturally, Academically, and Emotionally (2015), Developing Growth Mindsets in the Inspiring Classroom (2011), Inspiring Elementary Learners (2008), Inspiring Middle and Secondary Learners (2007), and Differentiation for Real Classrooms (2009)


The Brain, Education, and the Arts: Educating Every Child in Creative Thinking

Mariale M. Hardiman, EdD

Co-Founder and Director, Neuro-Education Initiative (NEI); Professor, School of Education, Johns Hopkins University; Author, The Brain-Targeted Teaching Model for 21st Century Schools (2012) and Connecting Brain Research With Effective Teaching: The Brain-Targeted Teaching Model (2003), and “Informing Pedagogy Through the Brain-Targeted Teaching Model (2012, Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education); Co-Author, “Exploring Changes in Teacher Self-Efficacy Through Neuroeducation Professional Development” (2023, The Teacher Educator) and “The Effects of Arts-Integrated Instruction on Memory for Science Content.” (2019, Trends in Neuroscience and Education)

Promoting Interest-Driven Learning Through Technology, the Arts, STEM, and Making

Kylie A. Peppler, PhD

Digital Minds: Personalized Learning for Interests, Inquiry, and Inspiration

Kristina J. Doubet, PhD

Even Einstein Struggled: How the Mistakes of Great Minds Can Motivate STEM Learning

Xiaodong Lin-Siegler, PhD

the reseARch scienTIST polymathic paradigm: Merging Science and Art to Understand and Foster Creativity

Monica Lopez-Gonzalez, PhD

Genius Hour: Using Passion Projects to Ignite Student Innovation and Inquiry

Andi McNair, BS

Implementing STEAM in Maker-Centered Learning

Edward P. Clapp, EdD

Engaging the Brain: Reaching All Learners in Science Classrooms

Allison S. Posey, MEd

Learning Design and Research Specialist, Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST), who provides curricular design, online course instruction, and leads professional development training and implementation of Universal Design for Learning in K-12 and higher education settings; Coordinator, CAST free webinar series; Former Science Teacher; Former Teaching Fellow, Mind, Brain, and Education Program, Harvard Graduate School of Education; Author, Engage the Brain: How to Design for Learning that Taps into the Power of Emotions (2018) and “How to Support the Emotional Link to Learning” (2018, ASCD Express); Co-Author, Unlearning: Change Your Beliefs and Your Classroom with UDL (2020) 

Amplifying Awareness in Youth:Amplifying Awareness in Youth: Rethinking Classrooms as Playgrounds of Creativity, Empowerment, and Wellbeing

Alisha Collins, MS


The Reading Brain: Personalized Learning and Interventions for Literacy

John D.E. Gabrieli, PhD

Director, MIT’s Integrated Learning Initiative; Grover Hermann Professor of Health Sciences and Technology and Cognitive Neuroscience; Professor of Brain and Cognitive Sciences; Co-Director, Clinical Research Center; Associate Director, Athinoula A. Martinos Imaging Center, McGovern Institute for Brain Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Co-Author, “Reward-Related Neural Circuitry in Depressed and Anxious Adolescents: A Human Connectome Project” (2021, Journal of the American Academy), “Mindfulness Supports Emotional Resilience in Children During the COVID-19 Pandemic” (2022, MedRxiv), “Sleep Quality, Duration, and Consistency Are Associated With Better Academic Performance in College Students” (2019, NPI Science of Learning), and “Greater Mindfulness Is Associated With Better Academic Achievement in Middle School” (2019, Mind, Brain, and Education)

What Makes the Human Mind Special?: Insights from Non-Human Animals

Laurie R. Santos, PhD

Being Human: Genes, Skills, Values, and Settings

Jerome Kagan, PhD

Personalized Reading: Using Tools and Strategies to Maximize Learning and Potential

Michele Haiken, EdD

Putting Children in the Center of Education: Promoting the Intellectual, Academic, and Social Capacities of Children

Fay E. Brown, PhD

Unleash the Power of Greatness Through Your Writing Instruction

Heidi Zollman, MEd