Speakers and Sessions

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Numerous studies are finding that stress, anxiety, and mental health issues are on the rise in children and adults. The American Psychological Association's (APA) 2017 Stress in America™ survey found that two-thirds of adults are stressed about the future. The survey also found that Millennials reported higher average stress than before and that teens are the most stressed people in America, with 27 percent reporting "extreme stress" during the school year. Additionally, a 2016 report by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation found that 46 percent of American teachers feel high daily stress. Fortunately, new brain and psychological research is showing that meditation and social-emotional learning (SEL) programs can dramatically reduce stress and improve wellbeing and achievement.  Discover the benefits of mindfulness meditation, class management, and SEL in schools; strategies to reduce student stress and behavioral problems and raise resilience; and ways to reduce teacher burnout and boost retention.

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You will gain knowledge about:
  • The neuroscience of stress, resilience, and behavior
  • Ways to teach and train resilience and wellbeing in students
  • Strategies for challenging student behavior and class management
  • Long-lasting effects of SEL on attitudes, behaviors, and achievement
  • How mindfulness reduces teacher burnout and improves student behavior
  • The effects of technology on teen anxiety, depression, and mental health
  • Benefits of personality strengths and the role of introversion on resilience
  • Why teacher stress and burnout are rising and ways to improve retention
  • Ways to incorporate mindfulness, yoga, and SEL skills into schools
  • Applying mindfulness to executive deficits, ADHD, and autism
  • Strategies for anxiety in math, reading, and writing

Featured Speakers

Richard J. Davidson, PhD

William James and Vilas Research Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry; Director of the Waisman Laboratory for Brain Imaging and Behavior and the Laboratory for Affective Neuroscience; Founder & Director of the Center for Healthy Minds, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Renowned for his scientific studies on emotions, wellbeing, and the brain; Friend and Confidante of the Dalai Lama; Named one of “The Most Influential People in the World” by Time Magazine in 2006; Co-Author, “Emotional Well-Being: What Is It and Why It Matters” (2023, Affective Science), “COVID-19 Pandemic Effects on College Student Mental Health” (2023, American College Health),  Altered Traits: Science Reveals How Meditation Changes Your Mind, Brain, and Body (2007) and The Emotional Life of Your Brain (2012); Co-Editor, The Mind’s Own Physician (2012)

Todd B. Kashdan, PhD

Professor of Psychology, George Mason University; Director, Well-Being Laboratory; Author, The Art of Insubordination (2022) and The Upside of Your Darkside (2017); Co-Author, “Understanding Psychological Flexibility: A Multimethod Exploration of Pursuing Valued Goals Despite the Presence of Distress” (2020, Psychological Assessment) and “Meaning in Life Buffers the Impact of Experiential Avoidance on Anxiety” (2020, Contextual Behavioral Science)


Developing the Mindset of Effective, Resilient Students    More Info

Sam J. Goldstein, PhD

Nurturing Positive Emotions, Purpose, and Resilience in Schools: An Antidote to Student Stress    More Info

Robert B. Brooks, PhD

The Fragility of Memory: Stress and Who Needs to Remember What?    More Info

Kenneth S. Kosik, MD

We Know They're Stressed! What Do We Do?    More Info

Deborah Gilboa, MD

Stress, Mindsets, & Resilience    More Info

Catherine Good, PhD

The Resilient Brain: Epigenetics of Stress Over the Life Course    More Info

Bruce S. McEwen, PhD

Resilience Is a Skill: Perspectives from Affective and Contemplative Neuroscience    More Info

Richard J. Davidson, PhD

William James and Vilas Research Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry; Director of the Waisman Laboratory for Brain Imaging and Behavior and the Laboratory for Affective Neuroscience; Founder & Director of the Center for Healthy Minds, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Renowned for his scientific studies on emotions, wellbeing, and the brain; Friend and Confidante of the Dalai Lama; Named one of “The Most Influential People in the World” by Time Magazine in 2006; Co-Author, “Emotional Well-Being: What Is It and Why It Matters” (2023, Affective Science), “COVID-19 Pandemic Effects on College Student Mental Health” (2023, American College Health),  Altered Traits: Science Reveals How Meditation Changes Your Mind, Brain, and Body (2007) and The Emotional Life of Your Brain (2012); Co-Editor, The Mind’s Own Physician (2012)

The Science of Stress: Neuroflexibility, Stress Responses, and Resilience    More Info

Rajita Sinha, PhD

Unshakable Core: Growing the Inner Strengths of Resilient Wellbeing    More Info

Rick Hanson, PhD

The Science of Resilience and Relationships    More Info

Todd B. Kashdan, PhD

Professor of Psychology, George Mason University; Director, Well-Being Laboratory; Author, The Art of Insubordination (2022) and The Upside of Your Darkside (2017); Co-Author, “Understanding Psychological Flexibility: A Multimethod Exploration of Pursuing Valued Goals Despite the Presence of Distress” (2020, Psychological Assessment) and “Meaning in Life Buffers the Impact of Experiential Avoidance on Anxiety” (2020, Contextual Behavioral Science)

How Children Thrive: The Practical Science of Raising Resilient Children in a High Pressure World    More Info

Mark Bertin, MD


The Biology of Good and Evil    More Info

Robert M. Sapolsky, PhD

The Behavior Code: Understanding and Teaching Challenging Children Without Burnout    More Info

Nancy A. Rappaport, MD

Managing Challenging Behaviors and Student Emotions    More Info

MaryAnn Brittingham, MS

Professional Development Consultant; Graduate Course Instructor, State University of New York at New Paltz; Co-Author, Transformative Teaching: Changing Today's Classrooms Culturally, Academically, and Emotionally (2015); Author, Motivating the Unmotivated (2008), Dealing With Difficult Parents: Powerful Strategies for Parent/Teacher Interactions (2005), and Respectful Discipline: Your Guide to Effective Classroom Management (2003)

Social-Emotional Learning: Building Lifelong Pathways of Resilience and Success for Students and Teachers    More Info

Eva Oberle, PhD

Supporting Student Success with Social-Emotional Learning    More Info

Kathy Perez, EdD

Strength-Stretch-Restore: Setting the Stage So That Introverts Can Thrive    More Info

Heidi Kasevich, PhD

Work Stress and Teacher-Student Interactions: Implications for Managing Classroom Behaviors    More Info

Jason T. Downer, PhD

Fostering Social-Emotional Learning and Resilience in Secondary Classrooms    More Info

Rachel A. Poliner, MAEd


Executive Functions and Mindfulness in the Classroom    More Info

Christina Young, MSEd, LPC

Building the Stress-Proof, Mindful Brain    More Info

Melanie A. Greenberg, PhD

The Five Literacies of Mindful Learning: Physical, Mental, Emotional, Social, and Global Intelligence    More Info

Daniel J. Rechtschaffen, MA

Mindful Minds in Schools: Enhancing Achievement and Wellbeing Through Mindfulness Training    More Info

Jonathan W. Schooler, PhD

Presence in the Classroom: Mindfulness for Students and Teachers    More Info

Erica M.S. Sibinga, MD, MHS

Evidence-Based Practices for Developing Mindful, Self-Regulating Student Writers    More Info

Leslie E. Laud, EdD

Mindful Thinking: Mindsets, Mindfulness, and Resilience    More Info

Kathleen M. Kryza, MA

Master Teacher; CIO, Infinite Horizons; Co-Author, Transformative Teaching: Changing Today's Classrooms Culturally, Academically, and Emotionally (2015), Developing Growth Mindsets in the Inspiring Classroom (2011), Inspiring Elementary Learners (2008), Inspiring Middle and Secondary Learners (2007), and Differentiation for Real Classrooms (2009)


Working Collaboratively to Support Student Behavioral and Mental Health    More Info

Michelle Palladini, BA

Moving from 'I' to 'We': Strategies for Educators and Students to Cultivate Agility, Mindfulness, and Connection to Mitigate the Education Mental Health Crisis    More Info

Kristen Lee, EdD, LICSW

Mindfulness for Teens with ADHD    More Info

Debra E. Burdick, LCSW, BCN

School Stress, ADHD, & Mindfulness    More Info

Mark Bertin, MD


Educating the iGeneration: Why Kids Are Growing Up Stressed, Less Happy, and Unprepared for Adulthood    More Info

Jean M. Twenge, PhD

The Emotional Life of Teens    More Info

William R. Stixrud, PhD

Clinical Neuropsychologist, Founder, The Stixrud Group; Faculty Member, Children’s National Medical Center; Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Pediatrics, George Washington University, whose work has been featured in media outlets such as NPR, CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Times of London, The Wall Street Journal, U.S. News and World Report, Time Magazine, Scientific American, Business Week, Barron's, New York Magazine, and Vogue; Co-Author, What Do You Say?: How to Talk With Kids to Build Motivation, Stress Tolerance, and a Happy Home (2021), The Self-Driven Child (2019), and The Thriving Child: The Science Behind Reducing Stress and Nurturing Independence (2018)

The Risks and Rewards of Being an Adolescent in the Digital Age: Daily Mobile Technology Use, Social Support, and Mental Health Symptoms    More Info

Madeleine J. George, PhD

Chronic Stress, Coping, and Mindfulness: Insights from Late Adolescents and Emerging Adults    More Info

Noelle R. Leonard, PhD

The Effects of Acute Stress on Academic Performance and Optimizing Stress Responses to Promote Resilience and Achievement    More Info

Jeremy P. Jamieson, PhD

Mindful By Design: Mindsets, Technology, & Mindfulness    More Info

Caitlin E. Krause, MFA

Digital Life, Stress, and Youth Wellbeing: Making Sense of Students' Varied Experiences with Social Apps    More Info

Emily Weinstein, EdD

Don't Just Blame the Machines: Teens, Anxiety, and Digital Technology    More Info

Tracy A. Dennis-Tiwary, PhD


Overwhelmed: How to Accomplish More By Doing Less    More Info

Christine L. Carter, PhD

Mindfulness-Based Interventions to Reduce Teacher Stress and Burnout    More Info

Robert W. Roeser, PhD

Mindfulness for Teachers    More Info

Patricia A. Jennings, MEd, PhD

Fewer Things, Better: How to Innovate with Intentionality    More Info

Angela S. Watson, MA

The Burnout Contagion: How School Context and Colleagues Might Affect Teacher Burnout    More Info

Jihyun Kim, PhD

Developing the Mindset of Effective Teachers    More Info

Sam J. Goldstein, PhD

Stress Contagion in the Classroom: Understanding and Breaking the Vicious Cycle    More Info

Eva Oberle, PhD