
Getting students engaged in learning and keeping them engaged is 99% of the challenge in today’s classrooms. So how do we do it? How do we get our students to the edge of their seats for new learning? Recent research from the science of learning confirms what we have believed for years: we don’t pay attention to boring things. This exciting, interactive seminar looks at the key “must have” ingredients for maximum engagement in your classroom. Starting with captivating participants and discovering what grabs the brain’s attention, we will examine the necessary steps to activate the brain to learn. Finally, we will see how to keep students engaged so that they come back for more...every day! This seminar links the promising principles from the science of learning to the instructional decisions you make in your classrooms and schools. Practicing what we preach, you will take part in an out-of-your-seat experience. Leave with strategies that will have every student captivated, activated, and invigorated!

Seminar runs from 8:15 am-2:30 pm.



Participants will be able to:
•Explore ways to engage your students so that the learning process can begin
•Identify key principles from the science of learning that support instructional decisions
•Understand the relationship between surface and deep level learning
•Apply promising principles from research to classroom practice
•Incorporate instructional practices that promote rigor in all content areas
•Explain the role of formative evaluation and feedback on teaching and learning
•Discover strategies for the classroom that will captivate, activate and invigorate your students



This seminar is applicable for PreK-12 teachers, instructional coaches, and instructional and curriculum leaders on the school and district level.



John Almarode, PhD, is the Sarah Miller Luck Endowed Professor of Education in the College of Education and Co-Director of the Center for STEM Education and Outreach at James Madison University. He began his career teaching mathematics and science to a wide range of students and now works with pre-service teachers while pursuing research in educational neuroscience and student engagement in STEM disciplines. He is co-editor of the Teacher Educator’s Journal and author of Captivate, Activate and Invigorate the Student Brain in Science and Math, Grades 6-12 (2013).