
You will explore the mental capacities we commonly refer to collectively as memory, including attention, short-term memory/initial registration, working memory and information storage and retrieval that are essential to classroom learning. Dr. McCloskey will discuss specific topics including how lesson content relates to the use of specific memory capacities; how presentation format and teacher presentation style can affect students' use of memory capacities; how the memory capacities of individual students can vary greatly and how good teaching can take this fact into account. He will describe instructional methods that can be used to help students with memory processing problems. These methods will focus on how to reduce excessive demands for memory processing; teach students specific strategies for increasing the effective use of their memory capacities and help compensate for memory processing deficits; and to increase students' memory capacities.

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Download seminar brochure for Speech-Language Pathologists (ASHA)


Workshop hours: 8:15 AM - 2:30 PM



At this seminar, you will learn information about:

  • How to think about memory as an interrelated system of multiple mental capacities
  • How students need to use these memory capacities to be effective learners
  • Instructional methods that can be used to help students that exhibit memory difficulties
  • What memory capacities are involved in different types of learning activities
  • How your teaching methods affect how students do or do not use their memory capacities
  • Recently developed instructional programs and therapeutic approaches that can be used to improve students' memory capacities


A wide range of specialists working with children will find this workshop relevant and skill-enhancing, including general and special education teachers, remedial teachers and other instructional specialists, educational therapists and speech therapists, clinical and school psychologists and school administrators.


mccloskeyGeorge McCloskey, PhD, is Professor and Director of School Psychology Research in the Psychology Department of the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. He frequently presents at national, regional and state meetings on cognitive and neuropsychological assessment and intervention topics. Dr. McCloskey is the lead author of Essentials of Executive Functions Assessment (2012) and Assessment and Intervention for Executive Function Difficulties (2008). Dr. McCloskey directed the development of the WISC-IV Integrated and was a Senior Research Director and the Clinical Advisor to the Wechsler Test Development Group for The Psychological Corporation (now part of Pearson).