
You will learn how to select instructional strategies according to an understanding of a student’s neurocognitive profile. Dr. Naglieri will show you how to accurately identify students with specific learning disabilities (SLD) and then how to teach them more effectively. This approach is based on the definition of SLD in Federal law (IDEA), which defines the disability as a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes and academic failure. A processing disorder is best defined as neurocognitive abilities associated with different regions of the brain. These include complex decision making, focus and resistance to distractions, visual/verbal spatial ability and visual/verbal sequencing. By identifying the nature of the SLD, you can apply an appropriate instructional method for intervention. In this seminar, you will learn about SLD identification methods using various IQ tests, the role of RTI in treating SLD and strategies that are consistent with IDEA requirements.


The workshop runs from 8:15am - 2:30pm.

Download Seminar Brochure (pdf)


At this seminar, you will learn information about:

  • An empirically supported approach to identifying students with SLD consistent with IDEA
  • Examination of IQ tests for identifying a disorder in basic psychological processes
  • Role of RTI in the identifi cation process
  • How to understand neurocognitive similarities and diff erences between children with SLD, ADHD and autism.
  • The PASS theory of intelligence which relates Planning to the frontal lobes, Attention to the brain stem, Simultaneous (visual/verbal spatial ability) to the occipital/parietal lobes and Successive (visual/verbal sequencing) to the temporal lobes
  • Research–based instructional strategies for addressing weaknesses and using strengths


This seminar will be applicable for school psychology administrators, special education administrators, regular and special education teachers, school psychologists, private psychologists and parents.


naglieriJack A. Naglieri, PhD, is a Research Professor at the Curry School of Education at the University of Virginia, Senior Research Scientist at the Devereux Center for Resilient Children and Emeritus Professor of Psychology at George Mason University. He has more than 30 years of published research on theoretical and psychometric issues concerning intelligence, cognitive interventions, executive function and resilience. Some of Dr. Naglieri’s more recent publications include the Cognitive Assessment System (2014), Devereux Elementary Student Strength Assessment (2012) and his book for teachers entitled Helping Children Learn (2010).